Chapter 8

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Pit then had a warm feeling inside him he then slowly closed his eyes. Pitto felt Pit's soft lips and was surprised when the brunette started kissing back.

Pitto kissed Pit.

The kiss seemed like it lasted forever but due to the lack of oxygen from the two, they had to stop.

The brunette's mask had accidentally slipped off of his face, revealing his face. When they broke their kiss the brunette realized this and was too late to react because the Prince was now examining the other's face. Pit was scared now that Pitto had seen his face and was also scared that he most likely recognized who he actually was.

"U-um." Pit was about to say something but almost nothing came out of his mouth and could only say that one word. Pitto slightly blushed, "...You look beautiful without the mask."

Pit blushed, "T-thank you your majesty."

"Hey no need to be formal, I feel annoyed when someone calls me that." Pitto said.

"Oh. I'm sorr-" Pit was then interrupted.

"Nah it's okay, you wouldn't known that so it's alright."

The reason why I don't like people calling me that is because I feel like everyone pittys me, yeah I know that it's just a way of someone to show respect to me but for some reason I don't like being called that. The only people who who just call me by my name are Ike, Samus, Snake, and that one princess I was introduced to (a while back) was Zelda.

"Um this might sound stupid but, does this make us a thing now?" Pit asked blushing.

Pitto gave Pit another kiss but this time on the cheek. "Well if you want to." Pitto replied back.

Um I do know. I mean I'm a dude so I can't? And he said the whole reason for this ball was for him to chose a wife but I'm male. But that law for same sex marriage was passed a few years ago but... what if he'll hate me if he found out I was male? I um. This is hard I think maybe-


Pit was then interrupted by the sound of a nearby clock. Pit looked at the time and realized it was midnight and saw his stepmother and stepsisters leaving the ball.

"S-sorry but I have to go now!"

"Wait- " Pitto said.

Pit turned around and started to run, Pitto was about to grab the brunette's hand and ask what was going on and why was he leaving but accidentally grabbed the brunette's scarf. Pit didn't hesitate to the pull and quickly took the scarf off leaving the scarf into the Prince's hand. The brunette ran as fast as he could in those heels (let's face it in heels it's hard to run in) he found Carla and Palutena on his way.

Palutena saw the brunette and was concern, "Are you alright? What-"

"No time to explain! We have to go now!"

Pit grabbed Carla's hand and started running (again but he first took off his heels before he started running) Palutena decided to run with them to hopefully get an answer from the brunette.

(At the same time of what's happening)

Roy was drinking (and is assumed drunk as fuck) and on the corner of his eye he spotted Pit. He immediately stopped being drunk as fuck and (for some reason was having a serious personality out of nowhere) started to examine the his surroundings to see why Pit was panicked. He then saw that Viridi and her two daughters were leaving, he then knew what was going down in the ball.

(We all learned a lesson from this fanfic... And it's that Roy could snap out of being drunk as fuck and go into killer beast mode if he wanted to)

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