Chapter 6

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"Hello there. You've seem to have summoned me to this place and time." Said a young woman as she smiled at the two brunettes. Carla examined the young woman and saw that she long flowing green hair had matching emerald green eyes and a flowing beautiful white dress.

Carla was at awed by the young woman, "Woah"

"W-Who are you miss? A-And how did you even get here?!" Pit asked.

The emerald eyed woman smiled at the brunette and explained, "My name is Palutena. And i'm a sorceress. I was summoned here at this particular time and place."

"A sorceress? So they are real." The brunette became fascinated about the sorceress's existence and asked, "So does that mean you can do spells and stuff like that?"

"Oh course silly. That's what sorcerers do." Palutena replied.

"So I assume you little girl summoned me."

"Yes I did." The little brunette replied.

Palutena clasped her hands, "I knew it immediately when I heard your voice. It's been forever since someone as adorable as you has summoned me."

Carla slightly blushed, "Th-Thank you miss."

"Wait if you were summoned here that means someone needs you to do something for them. So what was it?" Pit asked.

"It was an adorable request from this little girl and an older (and alcoholic) young man. It was to help her older brother go to a ball. It's like a fairytale all over again, so cute."

"Carla you did this for me?"

The little brunette shook her head, "Mhm big brother!"

Pit gave the brunette a warm small smile.

"As of what I see you want me to help him, I understand the situation of your household so I know just the thing!" The sorcerers used her magic and a staff appeared out of thin air. Both brunettes were amazed at her magic. She waved her staff at a pumpkin while she chanted a few sentences in a foreign language that neither of the brunettes couldn't make out.

A glow of emerald green was bestowed upon the pumpkin and in seconds morphed into a luxurious carriage.



"Oh that's just my warm up. In fact i'm not even finished with my warm up."

She then looked around the yard and spotted 3 mice. "Well this will do." she started chanting a spell upon the mices' direction. A similar green glow were bestowed upon the mice transforming two of the mice into horses and the third mice into a human.

Pit freaked out when he saw the mice that turned into a human, "Ah! Oh god! Carla cover your eyes!"

The younger brunette was confused and asked, "Huh? But why-" Pit interrupted her to cover the younger brunette's eyes. "Just trust me in this!"

"Oh my I forgot to add clothes on the human. Sorry about that, let me fix that. " Palutena said as she waved her staff once mice that was turned into a human then appeared to be wearing a coachmen uniform.


"Big brother can I look now?"

"Oh yeah Carla." Pit said as he uncovered her eyes.

"Now. The final thing I got to do is your clothes."

"My clothes?" Pit said.

"Yes your clothes. It's a royal ball after all so you gotta dress your best." Palutena then chanted a spell and waved her staff and this time a white glow was bestowed upon Pit. First it disappeared the cinder that Pit had on him, then the white glow shined brighter and slowly emerged a beautiful dress.

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