Chapter 14

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'Now. Special move! Critical attack!' He slashed his sword once, a huge transparent slash beam appeared and sent all the foes flying up, and also himself included but not harmed, and all knights landing harshly onto the ground. Marth then landed on his feet and on another set of rooftops.

Marth stood quiet. He jumped down from the rooftops safely and was about to walk out until of the training ground until he saw a gust of wind.

The tornado-like wind came closer and closer to the male rapidly he then realized it only became even faster. The tornado-like wind went up to him and Marth barely had time to dodge object, nearly missing his neck.

Marth jumped back, he felt a slight liquid drip down his neck and noticed that the substance was his own blood.

'Shit. That was too close!' Marth mentally said to himself

"Captain Meta Knight!" someone called out.

The mini tornado stopped and revealed a sphere like creature with a metal knight-like helmet that concealed his face, jet black wings that could be mistaken as a cape, white gloves, and a gold sword with sharp edges sticking out from other sides of the blade.

'He's small but he makes up for it with his skill with his blade. Gotta be careful this time, he nearly sliced my head off the last time!'

Blades immediately clashed again and all could be heard were small grunts and metal clashing against one another.

Meanwhile a figure then ran down some stairs hoping they weren't too late. Once he got to the training grounds he noticed the two figures fighting, he ran into the fight.

"Pika! Chuuuuuuu!"

Lightning clashed down between Marth and Meta knight in which caused both to fall back.

The figure ran towards the two.

"R-red!? What's the meaning of this!?" Meta knight scolded at the figure named Red.

The figure took out a marker and mini whiteboard and wrote on it. He then proceeded to show it to the knight.

'Sorry but it was the only thing I could think of to stop you guys from fighting.'

"Can't you see this man is an intruder!?"

He then erased what he previously wrote and wrote something else.

'He's not. Ike brought 'em here.'

Marth looked at the figure. From what he heard earlier the figure was named Red.

'So this is Red. He sure definitely looks his age.' The bluenette said to himself.

The boy had raven black hair and piercing red eyes. The child also wore a black shirt with a red sweater, denim pants, and bed with white shoes. From what Marth can assume the child is no taller than 5'2.

Pikachu then caught up with the boy and went up the child's right shoulder

"Can you verify your claim?"

Red wrote again on the whiteboard.

'Does seeing them both talk about random topics casually around each other comfortably while at occasions giving the 'intruder' a kiss on the cheek mean anything to you?'

Meta Knight sighed and looked up towards Marth, "My apologies. I hope that you can forgive us."

Marth flinched, one second the knight had intentions to kill him and the next he apologizes and hopes for forgiveness.

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