Chapter 7

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Pit examined the whole ballroom, he was at awed at how the whole place looked. Heck, he was even admiring how everyone in the whole room dressed! The brunette fixed his long hair feeling nervous.

"Hey what's wrong big sister?" Carla asked.

"Its just that I've never seen so many people and I'm scared that someone will find out that I'm actually a boy." The older brunette replied.

Carla smiled at her older brother (although you can't see it because she's wearing a mask), "Don't worry, no one will notice."

"Y-yeah. You're right." Pit nervously said.

Trumpets started playing in the background, It got Pit, Carla and everyone everyone else's attention. A tall young man with silver hair, he wore a long black cloak and brown leathery boots. (I'm describing Robin from Fire Emblem) He walked up to the entrance and announced in a loud firm voice, "All hail our guest of honor and soon to claim the throne, prince Pit."

Dark Pit walked up in front of the man. Dark Pit wore a silky purple long sleeved collar shirt, a black royal jacket with a golden decorating it, a black belt, white pants, dark brown boots that reached to his knees, and wore a golden crown with crimson red diamonds.

(And we can't forget the mask now! Can't we? Well he wore a simple black mask with golden linings decorating it.)

Pit was confused. Did he just hear his name? Did the young man make a mistake or was that actually the name of the prince?

"Pit." Carla whispered to the brunette.

"Yeah I heard. You think thats actually his name?" the brunette whispered back.


I didn't know the prince and I share the same name. I mean what are the chances of someone being named Pit? You'd expect someone, of his ranking, to have a name better than Pit. Ah! Not that I'm being rude or anything! I- um- it's just that- Why am I even arguing with myself!? Pit thought (argued) to (with) himself.

The raven haired prince said to the whole room, "I am honored for all of you attending my ball. As you all are aware, by the end of this ball I will be choosing a fair maiden to be my bride. I wish you all the best of luck." The prince bowed his head and walked away.

Instantly there was a small crowd of fangirls fangirling right when the prince left.

"Aahh! He's so cute!" One fangirl said.

"And mysterious~" another said.

"And his voice! He's so perfect!" and another said.

Pit noticed the fangirls and asked Carla, "You got any idea what those girls are doing, Carla?"

Carla looked at the fangirls fangirling and looked back at Pit, "Nope. No clue."

I lied. It's obvious that those girls are in love with the prince. I don't think big brother is ready for the concept of fangirls. Yet. Carla said to herself.

"Hey how's it goin'?" Someone said out to the brunettes.

Ah! Its Roy! What do I tell him!?

Carla replied to the red haired boy,"Roy how's it going?"

"So it actually worked. Awesome!" Roy looked at Pit, "And Pit. You almost look like a girl, that sorceress must have done well."

"Wait you know about this!?"

And how can he tell that it was us!? We're wearing masks for crying out loud! And it would have been awkward if he got the wrong people! One of the wonders of Roy I guess. Pit thought to himself.

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