Chapter 11

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'Huh? The fuck am I?' The raven haired prince said to himself. He then saw that his surroundings started to emerge and reveals that the boy was in the ballroom, the same place where he and the mysterious girl first met.

The prince looked at his surroundings, 'Wait. Isn't this the place where-'

He then stopped when a figure then appeared in front of him but was facing the other way.

'Who are you? And what are you doing here?' The Kuro asked.

The figure turned and faced the older male but even then Kuro couldn't make out who it was because their face seems to be blurred out by a white mist. The figure smiled at the prince, 'My, my, I guess you've forgotten about me already? And here I thought that kiss you gave me was something special.' The figure teasingly said.

Kuro then realized, 'Wait! Your voice! It's you, that girl!'

'So you remember me?'

'Yeah. But you never told me your name or where you were going.'

'Well I did have my reasons, of course, it's not like I did it on purpose... Though I'm not the actual person from when you met me, I'm sort of the personification of that person's memory of that night.'

'So you're not the real deal...?'

'Just a fragment of a memory from that day who manage to talk to you in a dream.'

Kuro didn't know how to reply to that.

'Um. Would you mind telling me your name?" The raven haired prince asked awkwardly.

'My name is ...' The figure said but for some reason he wasn't able to hear what her name was.

'What was that last part?'

'I said my name is ...' The girl's mouth did move but there something as if something was preventing him from hearing her name. The girl then started fading away.

This surprised Kuro, "Wait! Will we ever meet again?" he tried to grab her hand but his hand went right through her as if she were a ghost.

"What the fu-" The teen stopped when he saw that the girl had completely faded and disappeared into thin air.

'Don't worry you're not that far away from me. I know we'll meet each other very soon.'

That was the last thing Kuro had heard from the mysterious girl.

Pitto had just stood up from the bed after that dream. The raven haired teen looked out the window and saw that it was morning.

He rubbed the back of his head, "The fuck kind of dream was that anyway? ... Anyway I guess I should take that as a clue to where she could be... It's fucking stupid but it's all I got..."

He got out of the bed and saw that there was a spare of clothes and a note in top of it next to the bed. Pitto read the note and it said:

'I got some spare clothes for you. Feel free to use the shower if you want to and

there is a set of towels in one of the higher cabinets in the bathroom. And the

bathroom should be near the living room, don't worry there isn't any other doors

near the living room so you don't have to worry about going into the wrong door.

P.S If any of my sisters or my mom sees you, they'll most likely think you're

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