Chapter 5

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"Oh now that I think about it, how old are you Kuro? If you don't mind answering of course." Asked the brunette.

"19." Kuro said calmly.

"What?! You're 19?! But you looks so fucking young, like Pit here." Roy blurted out. "Roy I don't look that young." Pit replied back to the red haired male. "You do to me and my drunken mind." Ike laughed at the red haired male, "I assume you're still drunk there Roy."

Roy waved his bottle in the air, "Hell yeah I still am! Whoo!" Everyone except Kuro (cuz he's barely getting to know Roy) started laughing because they always thought Roy was the funniest when he was drunk, sometimes when he did get so drunk he would end up doing the strangest things no one would've thought he, in his rightful mind, would say or do. There was even that one time when Ike and Marth were making out and Roy was so drunk that he tried to join in with them but of course, Roy passed out from being too drunk before he can join in on the "action". Luckily for him, Ike and Marth were kind enough to drag him to his bed. Or that other time when he broke through wood because he was too lazy to open the door to his house and he was just right next to it too.

"Hehe that's our Roy there for ya. The most interesting alcoholic out there you can ever find." Pit said happily.

"You fuckin' said it Pit." Roy said as he leaned on the brunette's shoulder and made a goofy drunken smile.

I find this guy is weird and partly reeks of alcohol. Marth on the other hand seems like the type of guy Ike would go for and seems very kind around others. And Pit, I don't know why but I get this warm feeling about him when I see or think about him, and his eyes are the prettiest of blue shades I have ever seen. Makes my crimson eyes look dull compared to his eyes. And I just met him, how odd of me to make friends this fast than usual. Or even think of him like this already. The raven haired prince thought to himself.

"So what does Viridi make you do these days? More chores that usual?" Ike asked.

"Who's Viridi?" Kuro asked.

"Blonde bitch." Roy drunkenly said.

"Ok, but who the hell is she?" The raven haired boy asked, still confused on who Roy was referring to.

"My mom. Well actually she's my step mom to be exact." Pit said.

Kuro blinked a few times, "Why the hell is she a bitch then?"

No seriously why has Roy been calling Pit's stepmother a bitch? Shouldn't Pit be mad about something like this?

"Cuz she's so fucking annoying around others, almost everyone in the village hates her, and she makes Pit here work his sexy ass all day every day, that it's bullshit." Roy said still holding his bottle of beer (still drunk).

Marth sighed, "I'm sorry to say this but even though Roy is drunk, he's right. It's rare now a days for Pit to be hanging around with us or having fun that doesn't involve work."

"Man being a blacksmith and doing work around the house is overwhelming, Pit. Seriously how can you put up with all that work?" Ike added.

So he's a blacksmith. But he looks gentle to be a blacksmith, oh well I guess appearance is different when it comes to jobs like that.

"Huh? Well I just got used to it that's all. Its no big deal. Right?" Pit said with a blank expression.

Kuro shrugged, he didn't want to be apart of the conversation. The brunette looked at the clock that was on the wall. He got up and said before he left, "Oh my, sorry you guys I gotta go." And the door closed.

"Pit must be exhausted from all that work you guys said he's done." Kuro said.

"Yeah, it's obvious he won't go to the ball. It's too bad and he deserves to go." Ike said.

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