Chapter 12

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"C-come on let's go Pit." The raven haired teen grabbed the brunette's hand and dragged him back to Pit's house.

"Um nice doing buisness with you!" Pit yelled in the distance.

Cloud smiled, "Heh, I was only just kidding. Still I didn't expect the prince to be here of all places. Especially 'him' the one who looks like him. So then are the legends true then if 'he' exists?"

The blonde heard a faint noise and turned around, "Oh, it's been too long since we've seen each other,"

A familiar figure then became visible.

Cloud look dead straight into the figure's eyes,"Ike."

"Heh, same goes to you."

Ike then stood up, "Now," the bluenette drew his sword out and brought it close to the blonde's neck.

Ike stared at Cloud in seriousness, "How do you know what the Prince looks like?"

Cloud kept his cool, "Don't worry it's not like I'm about to tell anyone besides, I wouldn't want there to be another massacre world war like 300 years ago."

The bluenette drew back his sword, "I'm surprised you aren't being followed by-" Ike paused himself, " ... you know who."

"He lost track of me about a month ago. Anyways, aren't you going to go after his majesty?"

"...I'll ask you a few more questions when I'm done." He then started running towards Pit and Pitto's direction.

Cloud watched Ike run until he was no longer to be seen in the distance, the blond grinned.

"Heh, well if 'he' exists that I guess I should keep an eye on both of them for a while just to make sure nothing goes south."

The mercenary looked up into the sky and noticed a hint of change in the sky. He furrowed his brows and decided to walk away from the area. 'I sense something bad is gonna happen in the future. Gives me even more reason to stay here a little longer.'

"H-Hey Kuro, Pit wait up!" Yelled a certain blue haired knight.

Both males heard someone yell at them and turned around to see who it was. Pitto sweat-dropped when he saw a gust of wind and people flying in all directions all caused by a one guy running at almost max speed. Pit was almost dumbfounded seeing at how fast the male was running, before the male reached Pit and Pitto he attempted to use friction to stop himself and just in time because he almost ran into the brunette.

"I-ike!? You almost crashed into me! Dude careful next time, okay." Pit semi scolded Ike.

"And for the most part jackass, you fucked up everything that was in your way." Pitto added.

Ike looked back and saw that everything behind him was in ruins and with the additional people half passed out on the floor. "You guys were way ahead of me and I didn't want to lose you so that was the only thing I could think of!" Ike protested.

Pit then remembered, "Oh yeah we were also looking for ya Ike, well technically Kuro was but I found him and decided to help him out."

Pitto realized after that, "Oh yeah almost forgot."

"Now that we got that settled we should got back to my place, I could make us some tea." Pit chuckled, "And we also kinda have to apologize to Roy. Poor guy, for sure he knows that a barrel of alcohol is dead so I kinda have to apologize since I didn't stop Cloud from killing the barrel. He also practically treats any type of alcohol beverage better than any of the girls he's ever dated. He's probably a sobbing mess by now."

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