Chapter 3

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"Ready?" Whispered the dark blue haired knight. The crimson eyed boy nodded, "Yeah, let's go." He said as he put on his red hood on. The two then rode on a horse and proceeded to head out the gate of the castle.

Ike scratched the back of his head in awkwardness, "Sorry about that, hope you don't mind that we have to share a horse, Kuro."

Kuro shrugged, "I don't mind. At least I get to finally get to see what's outside of this boring place called home."

"Oh yeah... Also when we're there, try not to get separated from me and try to hide your face until we get to Marth's place."

The younger male looked at the knight with a confused expression, "What why do I need to hide my face? It's not like anyone outside of the castle has knows my identity... Ike tell me why you're saying this?"

"..." The knight didn't answer.

"Ike tell me why?" The prince asked a second time.

I mean it would be very awkward if people mistook you for 'him' and I really don't wanna take the time to explain to anyone who asks. Ike thought to himself.

Ike sighed, "Just forget I said that last part."

"Whatever then. Let's just go already."



The brunette woke up early, yawning as he stretched his arms out, to help him wake up. Today in particular he decided to wake up early to start his morning chores, because today a friend of his who happens to be a knight is coming to visit his boyfriend and friends. Since the brunette barely has time for himself most of the time, he wanted enough time to be able to see his dark blue haired friend again. His friend does come to visit the village on a few yearly occasions however, there are times where the brunette unfortunately couldn't make it to some of his friend's visits.

If he finished early his stepmother would let him spend his free time. This meant he should at least finish his morning chores as well as also his different set of chores that are take place in noon, but at that time however, that's when he does his blacksmith duties.

"Man, helping around the house and working as a blacksmith, can sometimes surprisingly be at times be a hassle. But I don't mind it all!" He said out loud to himself.

Pit got out of his bed, still feeling drowsy from still just recently waking up very early in the morning. He looked out at his small window, I woke up at 5. Huh, I guess that's allot of time, thank the gods I woke up this early. Knowing me, I'm a heavy sleeper and it takes me forever to actually get out of bed. He ruffled his shaggy brown hair and opened his closet, getting out his clothes.

He took off his gray tank top he was wearing as pajamas and put on his collared thigh length maroon sleeved shirt. As well as also putting on white pants and brown lace up boots.

The brunette yawned as he left his room and started his normal morning chores for the day.

Oh his way, he realized that he almost left to do his chores before he even ate breakfast! This was sometimes a habit of his that he would forget to eat breakfast on days where he's going to be busy. It was rather strange to him that he would miss breakfast at times because I enjoys eating. If Viridi were awake right now, she'd scold the male for skipping breakfast. Once he reached the Kitchen, Pit cooked up an omelet with some bacon and sausages. After he finished eating he was about to leave when a sudden guilt went towards him.

Man, I'd feel guilty if I made breakfast for just myself... I'm gonna cook a bit more and put it into the refrigerator for everyone! Pit declared to himself.

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