Chapter 4

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"Hello I'm Pit. Sorry that I bumped into you like that." Pit said as he gave Kuro an innocent smile. Kuro noticed the brunette had dropped a medium sized box on the floor, he picked it up and asked the brunette, "Um is this yours?" Pit's crystal blue eyes widened, "Oh yes it is thank you very much! It would've been disappointing if I lost this."

Pit then put his index finger and thumb on his chin and studied the other male and noticed something about the crimson eyed teen, "Hey I haven't seen you around here. Are you a visitor here?"

Kuro looked surprised, "Huh?! What gave me away?"

The brunette giggled, "Well for starters you seem to have a nobleman aura. But you dress like a commoner like me." What the hell?! How can this guy tell by just looking at me?! Is he somehow aware of who I am... no that can't be it. No one outside of the castle has ever seen me. The raven haired boy said to himself.

Kuro crossed his arms and said trying not to sound impressed, "Oh really. I'm impressed someone like you saw through me." Kuro couldn't understand why he didn't just lie to the brunette and told him that he was wrong. He somehow felt he could trust the brunette and most of the time he was right, when it came to trusting his guts.

"So are you lost or something? If I can help, I could take you to the place you want to go to." The brunette offered.

"Oh no that's alright, thanks for the offer but I'm just waiting for someone. He said he'll come here in a few minutes." Kuro replied.

He's partly covered in a little bit of ashes, he's obviously been working hard. I wonder what he does for a living...

"Huh? Is there something else you wanted to ask me about? You kept staring at me." The brunette asked. Kuro slightly hesitated because he still found it weird that Pit could practically read his thoughts. "W-Well the way you're dressed I was just wondering what you did for a living."

"Oh you want me to tell you what I do for a living?" Pit asked sounding interested in what the other male asked. 'Ok, well I-"

Son of a bitch! And he was about to tell me. When it's times like these I wonder why the hell is there that one person who interrupts someone, when they're about to say something important or interesting!

"There you are! See told ya I wouldn't take long." Ike said. He noticed Pit was there and so did Pit. They just stared at each other straight in the eyes, for a moment both Pit and Ike had blank faces as they continued to stare. I have a weird feeling about this. Kuro said to himself.

Man talk about fast. Ike you do live up to your promises.

Pit then broke the silence and walked up to the dark blue haired man and made a goofy grin, "Hey long time no see Ike! How've ya been, You know Ike, Marth missed you all this time."

Ike then smiled at Pit and the two gave each other brofists (Lol Pewdiepie reference) "Sup Pit. So I'm guessing Viridi kept you up last night." Pit shrugged, "Well I wouldn't say she kept me up that much."

"So are you here for Marth's Birthday?" Pit asked the taller male.

"Yeah I am, so what about you?" Ike asked.

"Same here."

The brunette then remembered about Kuro and looked back at the raven haired teen, "Oh um Ike do you know this guy? You seem to know him."

Kuro then answered Pit's question for Ike, "Yeah he does, Ike's with me. He told me he was coming here to visit his lover and I wanted to see what it's like outside of... where I live"

The raven haired teen then realized and facepalmed himself, "Oh shit. Sorry I didn't tell you my name, it's also Pit but I prefered to be called Kuro." Pit blinked a few times and finally said, "That's amazing! I didn't think anyone else would've shared the same name as me." He then smiled, "Nice to meet you Kuro."

"So since we're all going to the same place, why don't we all go to Marth's place right now." The dark blue haired knight suggested. "Sure why not. Let's go you two. I'll even lead the way." The brunette said and held Kuro's hand to lead him to Marth's home, while Ike just follows the two teens.

*Knock knock*

The blue haired teen walked to the front door to answer it. "Happy birthday Marth!" The brunette cheered out as the lighter blue haired teen opened the door. "Hey what's up you guys! Hey Roy it's just Ike, Pit, and another Pit?"

Roy then walked up to Marth, "A second Pit? Marth have you been drinking again by accident? I keep telling you to stay away from my-"

What does he mean again?! What have you been doing all this time Marth?! Ike thought to himself.

Roy then saw who were at the door, "Oh you're right I also see two Pit Kuns but one of them has darker hair and a different eye color than our Pit."

Ike then shyly scratched the back of his head. "Oh I guess I forgot to tell you this is Kuro, he and I met at the castle. You remember right? I mentioned him in one of my letters."

"You mean that he's Kuro? I didn't expect him to resemble Pit."

The three males walked in the house all day they hung around, did a few jokes, forced Roy in a dare to see how much alcohol he could consume before the has a hangover, and on occasions Marth and Ike would make out in front of everybody. Then afterwards everybody was eating cake, talking, and at the same time Marth was opening his gifts.

Roy got Marth a new pair of boots, Pit made him a pair of dark blue gloves with cutting on the fingers. And Ike bought Marth an engagement ring. Ike bowed to his lover while holding the ring (still in the case), "Marth would you make me the happiest guy in the world and marry me?"

Marth then had tears of joy flowing down his cheeks and hugged his lover, "Yes! I will marry you Ike!"

Even Ike and Marth are going to get married. At least they know each other not like me who's just going to marry someone I probably barely know at a stupid ball. Kuro thought to himself.

Pit smiled at the now engaged couple, "Way da go you two, now you guys can me together forever."

"Oh I just remembered, are any of you guys going to tomorrow's ball, I think it has something to do with the prince. But anyway are any of you going?" Roy asked.

"Well we're going for sure." Marth says as he blushes when Ike wrapped his arms around Marth from behind.

"I don't feel like going." Kuro says with a frown.

The brunette looked confused, "Huh? I didn't know there was a ball."

"Probably because that blonde bitch kept it a secret from you." Roy replied.

"Either way I don't think I could go, so much to do and all."

"As come on Pit you should be having fun for a 16 year old guy! Not doing everything around the house and work for the rest of your life." Roy said.

I'm older than this kid by 3 years?! But we look the same age! Now that I think about it, I shouldn't be complaining. Hell I look younger that I really am. But this is guy has something special about him, I just feel it. Kuro said to himself.

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