Chapter 10

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Pit's house

"Fuck. I'm tired from all that sightseeing." Kuro said as he and Pit walked inside the house.

Put chuckled, "Well don't forget we were also looking for Ike."

"I know, I know, I didn't forget about 'em." Kuro said calmly.

"Hey Kuro."

"Yea Pit?"

"How do you know Ike? I mean how'd you guys ever meet?" The brunette asked.

The raven haired boy scratched the back of his head trying to remember. 'Huh. How the hell should I tell Pit? I remember how we met, 5 years ago Ike was training with the other knights and he was beating all their asses. I got irritated and thought he was a show off so I challenge him.'

(Long ass) Flashback from Author chan

The Prince was up on a balcony watching the knights brawl with a certain dark blue haired boy. The knight was moving swiftly through the horde of knights and his sportsmanship was amazing because for one, he wasn't overwhelmed by the horde of knights at all, and because he swiftly strikes his opponents so fast that a normal person wouldn't be able to see his strikes. But the raven haired Prince was able to see every strike the knight made.

"Tch. Cocky bastard I could probably beat him with no sweat." The Prince said to himself with his tone sounding irritated.

The dark blue haired knight made a finishing blow in which caused everyone around him to fly off in different directions. The knight huffed and said, "Well that was a good warm up you guys."

The Prince was now annoyed and had enough. He jumped off the balcony and landed a few feet away from the knight, like a badass of course. Everyone in the area, for the exception of Ike, knew right away that it was the Prince and they all (except Ike because he was kind of new) have become slightly scared.

"I-It's Prince Pit!" One knight yelled.

"Oh god! This is going to end bad it they fight each other !" Another knight yelled.

"Oi knight I saw how you fought those other knights, and it pisses me off, Bastard. So let's fight to see who is really the strongest!" The Prince challenged.

Ike was amazed but you couldn't see that from his face, "You're the Prince? I didn't know the Prince would have a mouth."

Pitto got irritated at what the knight had just said to him. Pitto then smirked, "Oh I gonna have a shit ton of fun kicking your ass."

Just then a dark orb of magic appeared in front of the Prince and out emerged a silver bow, Ike then had a confused look on his face ' So this kid could use magic huh. But why fight me with a bow? It's good for long range but he'll be screwed if he tries to counter my hits. And what kind of magic does he posses that gets these wimps scared?'

"If you're wondering, I possess requip magic. It's an ancient type of magic that is only passed onto the royal family, my grandfather passed it down to me long ago and is dead, so I'm the only one left who possess this ability." Pitto explained.

(Anyone who watches Fairy tale don't hate me, I couldn't think of a better name. ;A; )

"So enough talking. Let's brawl." Pitto added.

Ike nodded, "Bring it on!" Both boys then got determined.

Pitto smirked and struck first. Ike was able to block it but noticed that the bow broke into two smaller blades. 'His bow became two blades, that'll mean that he'll be able damage me since my sword will be occupied with one of the blades.'

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