Chapter 9

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"O-ow." The brunette said.

"Oh fuck I'm sorry!" Said the other person.

"Huh? What are you doing here Kuro?" Pit asked.

Kuro then realized he fell on top of Pit, he blushed knowing that to anyone else's view, it looked like he pinned the brunette down.

Kuro got up and said, "Fuck sorry about that. We've got to stop running into each other like this."

The brunette laughed, "Yeah it's funny. So..." Pit said as Kuro was helping the brunette up. "what brings you back here?"

"O-Oh um I'm looking for someone."

"Is it Ike?"

"No not him, though I was with him but we got separated so I have no idea where he is."

"Oh okay." The brunette said. The brunette then saw that Kuro was bleeding from his left arm.

"Oh my god Kuro! You're bleeding! Hurry let's go to my place so that we can bandage you up!" Pit said in concern. Before Kuro could say anything Pit grabbed Kuro's right hand and lead him to his house.

Oh shit where the hell is Kuro!? And fuck. He got injured. How am I going to hide that from the King and Queen!? Oh wait its obvious, don't tell them at all about this or that he even left the castle. Ike thought to himself.

The dark blue haired knight sighed. He still has to look around the village and hope he runs into the raven haired boy.

"Urg. First priority for now is to find Kuro then the girl." Ike said to himself.

"Oh wait a barrel of wine died a few minutes ago. Poor Roy, that barrel was pretty big."

"Wait here I'll get some bandages and some stuff to clean the wound." Pit said as he left the older boy in the living room.

"Shit. Forgot I got cut." Kuro said to himself.

I still find it weird that I keep ending up falling on top of Pit every time we meet. One of these days if, theoretically I accidentally keep doing this, people would get the wrong idea. But that aside Ike can't seem to find the matching scent of that girl, even when we do I know it's not her.

Ike told me earlier that he overheard that she was a noble during the ball but we checked where the nobles lived and nothing. Now if she came from a different kingdom we're in deep shit but then if that were true, how the hell would she know about there being a ball? Something doesn't add up here.

Kuro's were then stopped when he heard the front door being opened. He saw a young woman with long blond hair closing the door behind her. The blonde then noticed Kuro, she dropped her bags and ran up to Kuro and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Pit! It's all my fault!"

"What the hell!? Get off of me!" The raven haired boy said while he was confused at the whole situation.

The blonde then said," Oh no, you went emo! Now I got you into that phase! And now you're also cutting yourself! It's my fault, I'm a terrible Mother!"

"Wait you're Pit's mother-"

Kuro was then interrupted by a third voice.

"Hey Kuro I brought some bandages and- huh? Mom what are you doing with Kuro? Oh, are you guys hugging?" Pit asked.

Viridi then stopped and looked at the brunette's direction, "Wait t-then who's he?"

"You didn't hear silly, he's Kuro."

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