Chapter 13

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"Wow this place looks amazing!" Carla said in amusement.

Palutena admired the youth's reaction and decided to ruffle the younger's soft brown hair, "Okay now stay close to me, don't want you to get lost or anything of that sort. Remember this is a magic shop so if you break anything there is a slight chance that something bad could happen to you because there are a variety of different types of magic, so who knows what could happen to you if you brote anything. And also so that I won't have to pay for anything that brackets and or causes damage to the store."

The little girl nodded, "Mhm, got it."

The sorcerer mumbles to herself, "Okay let's see here...'s been awhile since I've done something like that..."

They then wandered around the aisles and got a few supernatural ingredients. Meanwhile Carla obediently just followed Palutena everywhere while the sorceress examined various ingredients.

I wonder what big brother is doing right now? The brunette asked herself.

"Let's see here... oh there they are, dragon scales!" Palutena said as she examined the jar.

"How come they're in a jar?"

The emerald haired woman thought for a bit so that she could simplify it so that the child could understand, "Well little one, you know how some dragons can control other elements besides fire?"


"Yep and since they all have different elements their bodies, they also follow the conditions with the powers they control."

"Woah! That's cool!" Carla said in amazement.

Palutena smiled at her curiosity, "Since their bodies do that it also means that their scales are also affected. For example, let's say that a dragon that controls lighting, that dragon's scales will have a resistant to other lightings but can also have a chance of electrifying or paralyze anyone who touches the dragon scale. Either if the scale is still on the dragon or not."

"Eh? I don't get half of that." the brunette said in half confusion.

Palutena chuckled, "It's okay you'll understand when you're a little older, for now I think we're done here. So let's go and pay."

The little girl nodded, "Right."

Palutena noticed that the little girl's pigtails had bounced a little as she nodded. Both females made their way to the register.

"Ah Palutena how ya been!"

"Oh hey Tanatos, it's been a while." The said as she was setting the items up on the counter.

"I go by Thanatos now, the extra H is for HAMAZING!"

Carla started laughing at the guy.

Thanatos looked over at Carla, "And who's this little one? Are you babysitting this kid?"

"Huh? Oh no I'm not babysitting, I'm actually at work right about now."

"Really now?" Thanatos says sounding doubtful.


Palutena then realized, "Oh Carla this is Thanatos the owner of this shop, and Thanatos this is Carla my current summoner."

The little girl waved shyly at the shop owner, "Hi."

The man examined the brunette's appearance, "Eh!? This kid summoned you!? What'd she ask you for a castle, ponies, to be a fairy, or maybe become a princess?"

"Na none of that. I won't tell you anything about any of my client's contracts or their terms, but I can tell you this much."

"And what would that be?"

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