Chapter 2

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"Fuck my life!" Yelled a raven haired boy as he flopped face down onto his king size bed.

His appearance stood out from almost everyone around him, his attire consisted of mostly black and purple silk clothing with the occasional gold lining near the edges. His silky hair stuck out in a few places as it slightly resembled a star, his pale skin was smooth and his face seemed familiar. But what really stood out from the young man (besides the gravity defying hair) was his bright crimson eyes. He wasn't really adorned with much gold jewelry, due to the fact his preference didn't consist of much jewelry because he didn't like the feeling of constantly wearing jewelry on on his person. But he did make an exception with wearing a crown-like gold head accessory with golden leaves decorating it making the accessory resemble vines.

"Come on, it can't be as bad as you're perceiving it." Said another new voice.

Since he was faced down on the bed, raven haired boy moved his head sideways enough for himself to be audiable, "Fuck no! It's fucking bad for me Ike! All because of that stupid bastard of a father I have to choose a bride!"

Ike shrugged, "How is that bad on your end? Also on the subject of the king, who knew that the king abused his power so much to the point that the queen made him step down his position as king."

Ike was a well known knight among the castle but he was also a close friend to the Prince. Even though he was a knight he didn't wear a knight's usual armor because he refused to wear one properly. Instead he preferred to wear his usual clothes, wore less armor which consisted of just wearing the breastplate and a right shoulder armor, and wore his forest green bandanna.

The raven haired prince at first thought Ike was a fucking retard for wearing less armor because of how Dark Pit quotes it, 'You're just asking to die so you might as well fight naked' but when Ike departed to the war and came back Dark Pit was amazed that the knight returned with little no severe injuries.

"Tch! That piece of shit of a father. Mother is making me become king and marry some maiden I have to choose at some stupid ball, all just so that I won't rule alone. I'm too young to have my life thrown away for such a commitment! I rather be forever be a single hoe!"

Ike stood there in confusion at Dark Pit's wording, "That's depressing... And why are you calling yourself a whore? Last time I checked-"

"Oh my god, I don't actually mean I'm an actual whore!" Dark Pit said in annoyance.

"Calm down Pi-" Dark Pit interrupted the dark blue haired knight.

"No, call me Kuro. I like that nickname that damn blacksmith gave me."

Ike sighed in relief that at least his friend was calming down,"As you wish your highness... So, you did grow fond of that nickname, I remember when you used to hate it."


"Ah, good morning your highness. What brings you here?" The blacksmith said as he bowed his head to the prince.

"..." The raven haired prince didn't answer back.

The blacksmith smiled at the prince, "You know you resemble a lot like someone that is very close to me, how about I call you Kuro so I won't get mixed up! It suits you anyways."

The raven haired boy got annoyed and glared at the blacksmith, "Fuck no! It sounds stupid! And are you trying to get yourself thrown into the dungeon!? Don't try me, I will do it!"

The blacksmith chuckled, "Why not prince Pit? You'll grow to like that nickname one day you'll see. And by the way, ya ain't scaring me with that bluff."

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