Chapter 4

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It's been two days since the thing with Bali beg happened and Mihirmah haven't left her chamber since then, I feel really bad for her but she has to stop acting like a baby. I can't understand the position she is in since Im not getting married and I'm not in love with somone who don't love me back, I just know it probably hurts alot.

Today is a very rainy day it actually looks beautiful since I love rain it's really relaxing, but I'm kinda sad since I can't walk in the garden. I pouted a bit as I was watching the rain pour outside, I gently laid my head on the window glass and continue watching the rain, it was so relaxing that I got drawn into thinking, Mustafa...again I sighed, these days he is always in my mind why do I keep thinking about him, maybe I just miss him alot but Mehmed is here ....Selim, Beyazit and Chihangir are here too..maybe I should just spend more time with them then, I said to myself before getting up and changing into pink rose velvet dress with long sleeves, I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror while brushing my hair, I then left my chamber and went to Mehmed.

I gently knocked on his door and I hear "come in" coming from the inside, the slaves opened the door And I walked in, I saw my brother and smiled at him " hello Mehmed " I bowed, he smiled and pulled me in for a soft hug "Hello Hieren welcome " I return the hug before sitting on his sofa, he sat next to me and started " so why are you here ? Did something happened? " I shook my head " oh no nothing happened don't worry" I laughed softly " I just wanted to see you " he smiled" well that's nice of you then,do you know how Mihirmah is doing?" He asked sounding worried and I shook my head " she's not well..shes not leaving her chamber at all..I'm really worried " "I wish mom was here...she would probably help her better than us " I agreed by nodding "I miss her alot...I hope she comes back soon" I said " I think I'll ask dad.." he looked at me " what if he gets mad? " He won't, he's in good mood today" I smiled before getting up, bowing and leaving his chamber.

I made my way to my dad's chamber, when I got there i knocked on the door and he said I can come in so I did just dad, when I came in I bowed "hello father" I said while smiling " he walked over to me with big smile on his face "hello my beautiful daughter welcome " he said before hugging me " I haven't seen you in long time" "I was with Mihirmah most of the time I'm sorry " I said before breaking the hug "where is Mihirmah? I haven't seen her in a while too" I looked up at him worried " father....she's not well " he looked at me worried "why? What happened" I sighed "she just miss mom alot...we all do " I looked down before he gently hold my chin with his hand and caress my cheek with his thumb "do you want me to send her back ?" He asked and my face light up " really? Yes! Yes pls do!" I smiled exited and he nodded while smiling "she's coming back today then " I hugged him " thank you father!".

My father left to get my mother along with Bali beg and a patiently waited for them in the garden along with my other brothers and Mihirmah, after long time we finally hear carriage coming, carriage came and stoped in front of us and our mom stepped out with a help of slave, we all ran to her and hugged her "mom! You're finally back! "I said before giving her tight hug, she hugged me back before saying " I am darling" she smiled then looked at Mihirmah, since she is the only one left to hug she walked over to her with me following behind, she hugged her and Mihirmah had straight face on her as she looked at our mother " hi mom" was all she said, mom looked at her shooked 'mihirmah ? What happened darling?" Mihirmah just looked at me and said " nothing...let's go in" she saud before walking back to the castle with our brothers, I walked to my mother and said "mom..i talked with Bali beg and he said he sees Mihirmah as child ....she was crushed and she's been so sad ever since " my mom looked at me angry "Hieren why would you do that? And I didn't even knew about it! " She yelled " I just wanted to make things easier for said she has to marry Rustem pasha!" "Ok enough let's just go" we walked back in castle"

Me, mom and dad were sitting and talking on dad's tares when suddenly mihirmah came, we all looked at her as she begins to talk " ..I decided to marry Rustem pasha " mom and dad smiled, I smiled too but not as happy since I know she don't actually like the idea but I was proud that she for once became adult "that's great, we will do marrige as soon as possible " my dad said exited as he clapped his hands together, my mom looked really happy and I hugged Mihirmah.

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