Chapter 16

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"what? with who?" Mihirmah asked sounding a bit angry, I looked up at her before saying " our parents want me to Marry Bali bey" she suddenly stood up and slapped me across the face, i held my cheek shocked " you didnt say yes right!?"  i stood up " i didnt had choice Mihirmha! just like you didnt!"  she suddenly grabbed my throath with her hands " IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" " M-Mihirmah!" i stared crying " HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME WHEN YOU KNOW I LOVE HIM!" she screamed at me and started hitting my head on the wall then maid came in since she probbobly heard the screaming and moved Mihirmah awy and i fell down crying "Take sultana out of the Chamber!"  the maid yelled and they took Mihirmah out of the chamber and the maid that said that went over to me and help me get up, i knew she was going to act the way she did..i cant belive i told her like it was nothing im so dump.

 After few minutes i calmed myself down and sat on bed, the maid brought me water and stood by me the entire time " sultana, would u like me to prepare u a Haman? so u can relax a bit? " she asked me and i shook my head " no..just take me to Mehmed please " i said as i stand up and fixed myself " but sultana-" i turned to her " i said take me to my brother " she bowed and we went there, when we got there we saw Mihirmah standing in front of Mehmeds chamber and i frozen, i suddenly got really scared " stand in front of me " i told the maid and she did what i told her to do. Mihirmah then turned to me and schook her head " you came for more?" i ignored her and walked to my brothers chamber with maid in front of me and I knocked on the door but the guard stopped me " im sorry sultana but its dangerous for u to go in " he said " let me see my brother" i said angry " " im sorry sultana but-" "I SAID LET ME SEE MY BROTHER!" i yelled at him and the guard held me back " Let go! i wanna see my brother! let me go!!" I screamed and tried getting out of their grib but i was still weak from the accident, then somone from the inside of the room yelled " open the door!" and they did, as the door opened i saw my brother laying on his bed and nurses around him, i smiled as i saw him but then they put white sheet over his head " mehmed.." i whispered " MEHMED!" i screamed and cried at the same time "MEHMED!" i fell on the floor crying and  started screaming , i could hear Mihirmah cry too. I got up and went in the room but the Guards stoped me once again " sultana its too dangerous" " let me go!" i screamed "please" i cried out and fell on the floor again ( not fainted but like just sat on the floor yk).

The funeral was really hard...I felt like i was the one dying and not my brohter...Hatice was of course very happy with what happened same as Mahidevran..My dad was very sad...i saw from the corser of my eye how mahidevran and Hatice were smiling at each other and i just couldnt take it, " how can you be so heartless..part of your family just died and youre happy about it?" i turned to Hatice " exuse me?" " this was your plan from the want to delete every memory of my mother but guess what im still here and ill fight with you if thats what it takes " she looked at me with dead stare "watch ur mouth Hieren" " you watch your mought Hatice" i walked closer to her " if you even think of doing something to my  family i will rip your head of the second that tought runs to ur mind" i whispered angry to her and she looked very angry " who do u think you are to threath me like this!?  Im Hatice sultan! im part of the dynasty and-" " im part of the dynasty too! I am daughter of the worlds leader " i said calmly and gave her a death stare " it was not a treath i was just warning you" I tunred around and walked away.

After the funeral i went to Mehmeds chamber and sat on his bed, i looked around for a bit and sighed " why do inncocent people always die first.." i whispered to myself and then the door opened and Mustafa walked it, i just looked away from him and into the wall, he sat down next to me and held my hand " Hieren.." "mustafa leave me alone " i said softly " stop pushing people away from you Hieren" i turned to look at him "Mustafa, my brother just died.. are u expecting me to happily interact with everyone as if nothing happened? " he sighed " he was my brother too Hieren..we share the same pain" i shook my head " dont you get it Mustafa? Your mother and aunt did it.. they killed mehmed so u can go  back to Manisa" "thats not true " " it is Mustafa you aee just too blind to see it , they hate my mother and everything she created" " ill ask my mother" " do u really think she will tell u the truth?" he just sighed and looked down " im just trying to protect my family Mustafa... they already know we are close and i cant know if they are using you as well" he then looked up at me " we should stop seeing each other..stop interacting at all.." " i love u Hieren and-" " do u love me enough to go on my side and not ur mothers?  Do u love me enough to stop ur mother from trying to kill me and my brothers? or will u just stick with her and agree to her plans cuz shes ur mom Mustafa" he just sighed and smiled weakly " guess i got my answer" i whispered before standing up and leaving the chamber. 

Not long after Mustafa and Mahidevran went back to Manisa, i was happy they left..i do love mustafa alot but i think this is better but its time for revenge, i decided to Make a small fisit to Hatice with a little suprise, i took liquid cure that i use when my head hurt but it can became poison when u drink too much of it. I looked at the bottle with smirk and made little present, i took little glass jar and put walnuts inside of it and few scoops of Honey since thats her favorite desert, then i put whole botthe of poison in and mixed it up..luckily the poison is clear colored so it doesnt show. I wore a pink velvet dress with long sleeves alot with silver flower crown and silver frower earings, I took the jar with dessert inside and went in the garden where Carrige was already waiting for me, i sat inside and we went to Hatice palace, i couldnt stop smiling the whole ride there. As we got there i walked in the palace and in the room where Hatice spends most of her time, i smiled and bowed at her " Aunt" she looked at me and gave me the fakest smile ever, i ignored it since mine was fake too and sat next to her " i felt bad for what i said so i came to apologize  " i didnt felt bad at all, and i wont feel bad after i do this since i know for a fack she was the opne who killed mehmed and my mother " so i brought you this, i know its ur favorite dessert"  " well thank you Hierena dn ur apology is accepted but u do need to know that ur mother was very bad person and she deserved everything that happened to her " she took the dessert" " so u did kill her?" " i didnt kill her but i know where she is" my esey filled with anger but i hid it " " where is she then " i asked " shes probobbly dead anyway so thers no point in searching for her " she laughed and opened the dessert and asked the maid to bring her a spoon.

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