Chapter 27

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I woke up the next morning with the feeling of arms wrapped around my waist, I opened my eyes only to be met by sun hitting my eyes. I gently rubbed my eyes with palm of my hand as I turned to the other side of the bed. I saw Mustafa sleeping next to me, I froze, I couldn't believe it...I dreamed about this moment so many nights but I never thought it would come true...I gently touched his cheeks and caress them with my fingers not ignoring the effects his beard is leaving on my me shivers..the good ones..I then leaned in and softly pecked his soft lips.

After few moments he woke up and we cuddled for awhile, the doors are still locked, no one came to check on us *I'm a bit hungry, I think it's time for breakfast* I said while feeling my stomach begging to growl *we can't eat together...* Mustafa said and I pouted *yeah I know*. We both got dressed and Mustafa left the chamber to go to his own, I couldn't stop smiling and giggling, for the first time in forever I was happy,I felt so alive and so in love. I was eating my breakfast until Zumbul aga came in the chamber and bowed *Sultana* he said and I nodded *your majesty wants to see you* he said *is everything okay?* I asked concerned and he nodded *he just has a bit suprise for you my Sultana* he looked concerned, I smiled and stood up *alright then, please tell the maid to clean this up* I said and left. I walked into the hallways and to my father's chamber, I knocked and the door opened revealing my father who's smiling from ear to ear *hello my darling* he said and I walked inside and hugged him *hello father* * I want you to see something darling so please have a seat* he said while pointing at the sofa in his chamber and I sat down on it while smiling, then couple of agas came in the room with box, they placed the boy on one of the stools my father has in his room, I looked at the box confused and my father motioned the agas to open it and take what's inside, one of agas hand reached in the box, I watched his hand carefully, and then he pulled head out, as soon as I saw the head my heart dropped *B-b-b-a..* I couldn't even speak, I was terrified, traumatized *my little girl deserves only the finest things in the world and to be taken care of the right way, he hurt you, but more importantly he broke the law so I chopped his head off for you my darling* my father said proudly, I just started at the head covered in egg whites, my eyes filled with tears, I know I shouldn't cry but just the tought of someone losing their life because of me is awful..he definitely did a sin..but taking away his life for something like that is not ok * Bali beg..* I whispered that being the only thing I could say *Hieren? Are you okay?* My father asked concerned and I just nodded not showing how emotional I am, I then got up, bowed and excused myself. I ran to my chamber only to be met by my brother Selim, *what are you doing here?* I asked confused and he turned to me *I just wanted to inform you that me, our father, dzihangir, bayazit and Mustafa are going on hunting trip soon * he said while smiling and I nodded *okay that's great ...* I said *are you okay? You seem a bit pale* he asked concerned and I nodded *im fine* I said. Later that day I went to Haman to have a wash since I needed some freshness, as I walked to Haman I walked by my mom's chamber and I could see that the door is cracked open so I walked up to it and about to close it but then I heard something, it sounded like mom and Mihirmah were arguing about something, I rolled my eyes and continue walking. Later that day I was getting ready for bed until I heard knock on my door, I shouted come in and the person came in, it was Mustafa, I smiled at him and he hugged me *hello my beautiful Sultana* he said before kissing me *hello my beautiful prince* I giggled *what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here * I warned him and he just sat on my bed and shrugged *I just wanted to see you* he said as he played with my hair *you're so sweet* I said softly before leaning in and giving him a kiss. He ended up leaving the room since we don't wanna get caught, I then remembered what happened in my dad's chamber...horror...Im.still traumatised..*why would he show me that* I whispered and took a deep breath before laying down to sleep.

I barely slept last night, I couldn't sleep...all I thought about was what my father showed me. I got ready for the day and ate breakfast and then went to little walk down the garden with Mehmed. As I was walking I couldn't help but notice Mustafa's wife coming towards me *Sultana* she bowed and I just smiled at her *I'm concerned* she said with her head down and I turned to her *about?* *Mustafa didn't come to our chamber last night and the night before...I'm concerned about our relationship...i tried to talk to him but he just said it's fine...could you please talk to him?* She said, I could see she was on the edge of tears so I sighed *Mustafa's and yours relationship is none of my business..* *please Sultana! I love Mustafa with all my heart and I just want to save our marriage* she cried and pulled her in tight hug *fine..I'll talk to him* I said and she hugged me back while thanking me. Later that day I did meet up with Mustafa, i don't know why I feel the need to do what His wife asked me but I'll do it *Mustafa..* I said and he looked up from his plate and stopped eating *yes my love?* He asked while wiping his mouth *your wife talked to me today...she was sad..she cried* I said not making eye contact just yet *why? What happened?* I sighed*she said she is concerned about your guys marriage..because you didn't come to your chamber two night in a row* I pouted, I did feel bad for her, he sighed *I don't feel the same about her anymore Hieren...I don' her...anymore* he said and I nodded *you have to talk to her Mustafa...she's so in love with can't just ignore that* I said softly*I know..* he said and I layed my head on his shoulder.

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