Chapter 36

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  "I can't believe she found out, what am I supposed to do now" I whispered to myself frustrated and scared, my habds are shaky and I Feel like I could faint any moment "Mustafa please help me" I whispered as I pressed my hands together with Mustafa's ring in the middle of them " please make this madness go away and come back to me" I could feel tears streaming down my cheek as I kneeled down "please" I whispered befire starting to sob.

  Few days have passed abd there were still no news from Father or anyone, I was worried sick, I couldn't eat, sleep or even think straight until I hear my Mustafa is okay and is coming back, the dokr of my chamber suddenly opened, I couldn't see who it was since I was facing the window "Sultana.." familiar voice also known as Zumbul aga, I turned around to face him "yes?" I could see he was holding in the tears, no... "Im sorry but Prince Mustafa is no longer with us" he said and I could feel my heart break "M-Mustafa" I started tearing up "YOU'RE LYING" I screamed at Zumbul "HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME!!" I screamed at top of my lungs "MUSTAFA IS ALIVE!! HE PROMISED HE WILL COME BACK TO ME!!" I screamed even louder, I felt my heart hurt and I feel om the ground while crying, I placed my hand on the heart area, It felt like somone stab me through my heart thousands times "NO!!"I screamed again "Hieren" I heard another voice next to me "NO NO NO!! MY MUSTAFA IS ALVINE!! HE WILL COME BACK" I cried my soul out, I couldn't belive he was gone, this cant be happening, I tried getting up but I didn't had energy to do so, The mainds helped me to get up and sit on bed, Mihirmah sat next to me and I looked at her "Mihirmah I cant do this, I need to see him, I need to make sure he us alive still and-" "HE IS NOT! STOP BEING DELUSIONAL " she yelled but quickly calmed down, I quickly stood up and ran out of my chamber while crying, I then bumbed into somone while running, it was Beyazit "Beyazit! Please tell me its not true, PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU" I cried and he just pulled me in fir a hug, I squeezed him as hard as I could and cried into his shoulder, he caressed my hair "I'm sorry" he whispered and I cried harder "how could father kill his son". They brought Mustafa's body to the palace, me and beyazit went there, when we arrived we sat Mahidevran leaving the coffin and glaring at us, as soon as I saw the coffin my heart dropped, my hands started shaking and Im having trouble catching my breath "Mustafa" I whispered and Ran as fast as I could to him, I kneeled down in front if the coffin and looked inside, he was really in there, he was dead "Mustafa" I whispered as I held his cheek with my shaky hand "Mustafa" I cried as K held his face with both of my hands and caressed his cheeks "Open your eyes...look at me...comd back to me please...dont leave me" I whispered while crying "Mustafa!" I sobbed, I then screamed at top of my lings, my heart was broken, tgere was no use in living anymore if i didnt had the love of my life next to me, I didn't wanted to continue...I couldn't without him, i suddenly felt two hands grabbing my shoulders "Hieren..." It was Beyazit "NO! NO! I CANT LEAVE HIM" I cried, he dragged me back to the carriage and back to the palace. When we walked sown the hallway we saw our mother and Rustem pasha talking, I glared at the befire walking over to them "you" I glared at my mother "you did it, didn't you?" She looked down at me "Hieren-" "Because of you Mustafa is dead " she fully turned to me "its fir the best and it was your father's desition, not mine" she smiled "How could you do this to me?...To your own daughter..." She was confused" what's it to you? He is not even your real brother " I don't care anymore, I don't care if they know, they can kill me if they want "I loved him, he was the love of my life" I whispered and her eyes widened"What are you talking about!?" I can see Rustem and Beyazit were confused "Im carrying his child" I whispered again and she looked down at my belly shocked.

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