Chapter 34

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I woke up with sun poking my eyes so I turned to the other side only to be met with empty bed, I opened my eyes confused "Where did he go..." I said to myself quietly and scared. I sat up and looked around the room seeing it was empty "No..No no no" i said as i got up from the bed and put on the dress then walked out of my chamber, I made my way over to Mustafa's chamber but on my way there I was stoped when I saw my Mother walking up to me with big smile on her face, I turned to her and bowed "Mother..good morning" I said quietly and she patted my head "Good morning darling, where are you headed?" She asked "bath mother.." I said and she nodded "You should go spend some time with ur brothers and father before they leave" I looked up at her "When are they leaving??" I asked nervous"they already started packing, they should leave tomorrow morning" she smiled and walked away, "I need to do something " I whispered to myself before i started walking again while anxiously fidgeting with my fingers, I kept thinking what even can I do? Theres nothing I can do at this point.. expect for..."Beyazit..." Thats my only chance left..I walked yo his chamber and knocked until i heard "Come in" from the inside so i did, i walked in and closed the door behind me, Beyazit looked at me confused and I walked over to him "Beyazit" I said and he turned to me "what do you want " he asked coldly, I sighed before answering "Beyazit you need to help me" I said while trying my hardest not to cry, he watched me without moving an inch "You need to protect Mustafa" I said as I looked up at him "father will take his life while you go guys go hunting, you need to stop him im begging you " I held his hands as i cried "please Beyazit dont let him" I pleated, he just started at me without any emotion "why would i help you? " He asked and I was the one staring at him now "Why?...did you really just ask why Beyazit!? He is your brother! Your blood! He protects you and loves you! I know you hate me but at least do this for him because he doesn't deserve it! He is innocent!" I said and he looked down "Beyazit....please convince father int-" "You think my father will listen to me Hieren!? Im his least favourite child! Ash chihangir for help" "dont say that Beyazit he loves all of us equally and you know it! Chihangir cant know! It will break him even if he thought about father killing Mustafa!" He sighed "Please beggi-" the door suddenly opened revealing Chihangir, he walked over to us and i let go of Beyazit hands "Whats going on? Were you crying?" Chihangir asked me and I shook my head "No chihangir I wasnt, we were just talking " I smiled weakly, Beyazit stayed silent "Mother and Father wanted all of us to come and have breakfast "Chihangir said and we both nodded.
When we came into fathers chamber it was really chill, everyone came...even Mahidevran, and everyone looked crushed except for Mihirmah, Mother and Rustem pasha. We all sat by the table and began to eat, i kept looking at Mustafa every now and then, it was hard not to..."Are you boys packed?" My mother suddenly asked and they all said yes, I looked at Mahidevran, she looked like she was about to cry so I sat closer to her and place my hand on her shoulder "It will be alright...we do whatever it takes to stop this" I whispered to her and she looked at me "Hieren theres nothing to be done, only His Majesty can change this" She saud sad and angry at same time "Mahidevran dont lose hope..thats the only thing we have right now" I said as i took her hands in mine and she sighed while tearing up, I pulled her into a hug "Hieren come back to your seat and eat " My mother suddenly said angry, i rolled my eyes and did what she asked me to. After Breakfast was over we all left Fathers chamber, As i walked out i could feel somone grab my arm and it was my mother "What do you think youre doing Hieren hm?" She asked angry "What do you mean.." I asked "I told you to not get close to that snake Mahidevran!" She shouted angry and i fliched "Mother I..I was just comforting her... because Mustafa-" "Their Area is over Hieren! Get over it! " She harshly ket go of my arm "you better not be making any plans with them Hieren, im warning you" she said before walking away, I saw Affife Hatun passing by and stoped her "prepare me Haman.." i told her and she nodded, bowed and walked away, I watched her as she slowly made her way to where she is supposed to go, I sighed and begin to walk to my chamber until a voice stoped me "Sultana?" It was child's voice, it was too high to be my Sons voice so i turned around only to see Mustafa's son Orhan, he smiled at me sweetly, i forgot Mustafa's kids are also here "Orhan?" I smiled at him and he ran to me and hug me, I lift him up "why are you all alone? Where are the maids?" I asked a bit angry and he just shrugged "i think they are with Mehmed but i just-" "you shouldn't be alone like this Orhan! Anything can happen!" I warned him but he started pouting "Auntie i-" "where are the maids that were supposed to be with you Orhan? Where!?" He suddenly started crying, i looked at him schocked before gently patting his head "hey im sorry Orah i didnt mean to yell...I just got worried" At the corner of my Eye i could see Mihirmusa standing angry, I sighed and placed Orhan down "im sorry " I apologized again and he ran to his mother, i turned around to look at them and she already walked to me "Just because youre a Sultana doesn't mean you have right to yell at my child!!" She yelled at me "Mihrunisa im warning you, have some respect for me! Who do you think you are!? Is this how youre raising the prince!? By letting him run around the palace without proper security!? " I yelled, she looked taken back by it "where are your other kids hm? I bet you dont know, because youre busy doing things with my brother! " I tried calming down "take care of your kids better and get out of my sight, next time you dont show me respect" I steped closer to her " your head will do it for you, and that might be the last move you ever do " "is that a threat? " She asked "it can be, it depends on how you behave Mihrunisa, i had patience for you before but its slowly going away, drop by drop" I chuckled "you should be honoured that im threatening you" I smirked " Youre nothing but a slave, a save that got lucky, you should be happy im spending time on threatening you my dear" She watched me with tears in her eyes "you will die as slave, your life will forever be worthless just like you, now get out of my sight" She shook her head "Mustafa will hear about this" "tell him, I dare you" i provoked her "No need" somone said, we turned around and saw it was Mustafa, he shook his head at me and looked disappointed "Mustafa I-" " shut up Hieren" I was schocked " Mustafa" i stepped closer "I said shut up!" He yelled at me, i stoped walking and just started at him, I could feel my heart breaking into million pieces "I wont let you be disrespectful to my wife and mother of my childer! Ever again!" He turned red, thats how angry he was "Mihrunisa lets go" he said and she walked to him, of course she didnt forget to give me smirk while walking past me, I watched them walk away with my hand placed over my heart.

I went to haman, I sat there on marbel bench while eating grapes and thinking about whole situation "he was probably acting..." I whispered trying to convince myself that he loves me more than her "there cant be aby other reason" i swallowed hard "he loves me..not her" i kept telling this to myself but for some reason i couldn't convince myself. I placed my hand on my tummy and rubbed it gently "He loves us more baby" i sniffed as i placed piece of candy in my mouth. After some time i heard somone banging on the Haman door, I was confused, what is happening? "SULTANA!? ARE YOU OK!?" i furrowed my eyebrows before walking to the door and opening it, revealing my mother, zumbul aga, affife hatun, Mihirmah and Rustem (im in shower dress) "what is happening?" I asked confused "Hieren we thought something happened! You were in there for hours!" My mother screamed at me and i looked down "im sorry.." I said and she huged me worried and reliefed. After that i went to my chamber and saw it was already night outside, I sighed and put on my night dress, I walked to my bed and noticed a letter laying in the middle with ring on top, I sat on bed and take the ring in my hands, it was pretty rings with Red rubin in the middle, I smiled and placed it on my finger before taking the letter and opening it, i started reading it :

To Hieren

"My dear Hieren, Sultana of my heart, my soul, my beautiful painting, my presious flower i never knew we will spend some of our last moments together like this....words cant describe my love and desire for you, youre my sun and moon, earth and sky, ocean and land, my happiness, my world, my angel,every time i see you..every time i looked into your beautiful eyes i lose my breath, youre something bigger than myself, youre something i dont understand, I remember the day i told you i was leaving, i remember the tears streaming down your face, i wish that i could wake up with amnesia..and forget about the stupid little things, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you..and the memories i never want to change...i love you so much and i always will...if tomorrow i wake up with you right beside all of this was just some twisted hold you closer than i ever did before...and you'll never slip away...and you'll never hear me say...goodbye."

Love Mustafa

(Im sorry if this was cringe lol)

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