Chapter 12

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This chapter will contain a bit of smut content so here's a cookie 🍪 cuz I'm trying to keep this story as family friendly as possible but some of you guys really wanted me to write smut so I'm sorry for the ones who didn't 😍

I woke up with huge headache, I tried sitting up but someone stopped me "Darling don't you're too weak" my mom said and layed me back down, I looked around and saw my mom, dad and Mahidevran around the bed looking worried "What happened?" I whispered before looking at my mom, she took my hand and said "you fainted Hieren...and you hit your head really hard so please don't move much, nurse said you will be better in couple of days" I nodded and my father came closer to me and caressed my head "I'm glad you're awake" he looked kind of disappointed "is everything ok dad?" I asked and he just walked away with my mom and I looked at Mahidevran "please tell me what happened...why is dad mad at me? Did I do something?" I asked in panic "you didn't was just an ancient I'm sure of it" suddenly the door opened and Mustafa walked in looking very angry "mother please leave the chamber" Mahidevran got up "Mustafa please let her rest first " "I said get out!" He suddenly yelled and me and Mahidevran flinched, she looked at me one last time before leaving. I looked at Mustafa scared as he came closer to the bed and sat down, he looked at me before saying "who did you became?.." he asked  "W-what?" I said confused "you really couldn't help yourself!? You let the jealousy get over you!?" He suddenly yelled "What are you talking about?" "DONT PLAY DUMP HIEREN!" he screamed at me and I can feel my eyes watering "what did I do?" I asked with a voice crack "YOU ARE THE ONE WHO KILLED FATMA DIDNT YOU!?" he screamed again and I just started at him "what?..Mustafa how could you say that!? I didn't do anything!" I yelled back at him while crying and he grabbed me by my throat " don't lie to me! I know you did it Hieren!" He squeezed my throat "M-Mustafa!" I cried "SHUT UP! you took away my son! And now the women I love! You're just like your mother!" He yelled at me but I could see he was crying "Please let me go" I cried out, he pushed me away and got up "I don't want to see you're face ever again, if you show up in front of me again I'll rip you're head of with my bare hands" he said before leaving and slamming the door behind him, I hugged my knees and cried in bed for could he say that!? Does he really think I killed Fatma!? And now his blaming me for his son death too!? My mother walked in the room and saw me crying, she rushed over to me "Hieren!? What happened!? Did someone hurt you!?"I looked at her and hugged her tight "I want to go...I don't want to be here anymore " I cried hard and she hugged be back rubbing my back "darling we can't go home yet you need to rest " my father suddenly came with Mustafa and Mahidevran following behind him "Hieren? What's wrong " I ignored him and kept hugging my mom "answer me Hieren"  "I just want to go home" I whisper "we can't go home until ur fully recovered" he then left with Mustafa, but of course Mustafa made sure to give me a glare before leaving the room "please rest Hieren we will go home when you recover " she said and caressed my hair, then she left and I layed down and hugged the pillow "Hieren..." Mahidevran said and I felt her sitting on bed beside me and started stroking my hair "do you also think I killed Fatma?" I whisper and she sighed " I dont have to remember everything that happened last night" I sniffed and close my eyes to remember "I was in my room...and I suddenly heard a scream...I walked down to the stone room and a girl ran away from Haman...I entered and I saw Fatma laying in blood...then everything went black" I said "so you remember what the girl looked like?.." I tried remembering" she had...blonde hair...and she was very tall "  I said and looked up at Mahidevran and she looked like she was thinking " I'll try to solve rest please " I nodded and tried falling back asleep and she left.

The next morning I felt alot better, I sat up on my bed and saw maids serving food for me "good morning sultana, we prepared breakfast for you" she smiled and I looked at food, very bad thought suddenly came in my mind, what if Mustafa ordered them to poison the food? What if he's trying to kill me and get revenge ? "I'm not hungry " I said "but sultana, you haven't eat all day yesterday you will get sick " I thought for a second "prince Mustafa sent this for you, he said we must feed you" I looked at her in fear "no! Get that away from me!" She bowed and they quickly took it out,I layed back in bed and and try going back to sleep but I couldn't, I sat back up and layed my back on the headboard, then I called maid in, when she came I told her to call my mother. After some time my mother came in "good morning mom " I smiled at her and she smiled back "good morning Hieren how are you feeling today?" " I'm feeling much better, can we go home today ? Please?" I tried my best not to sound scared but she looked at me very concerned "Hieren tell me, did something happened yesterday? You look very bad and you seem scared " I shook my head "not at all I just miss Mihirmah...and my brothers" I looked down and she pat my head "you will see them soon enough, did you eat? I heard Mustafa told maid to prepare special food for you" I gulped and look at her before smiling " yeah it was really good " I nodded.

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