Chapter 33

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I walked back to my chamber while anxiously playing with my fingers "i have to do something" i keep repeating to myself "this cant be happening" i sniffed before somone walked into my Chamner "Hieren" It was Selim, i turned around and ran to him " Selim we need to do something! Father will kill Mustafa, we need to-" I cried "shh i know...theres nothing we can do Hieren...Mustafa did something very bad and he needs to be punished" Selim said calmly, i couldn't belive it "HOW CAN YOU BE LIKE THAT!? HE SI YOUR BROTHER" i raised my voice at him, he looks taken back by it "Hieren" "we have to do something! I cant lose him Selim" I said through sobs "Im sorry Hieren but we cant do need to calm down" He said as he walked out of the chamber, i heard him locking the door from the outside "N-No! Selim! Let me out!" I shouted and start banging on the door "This is best for you! Im sorry!" He said before walking away "Please let me out! Please! I need to see him again!" I screamed and cried at the same time, it was over, everything was over...I gave up on trying to open the door and just sat on the floor and waited, It was already night and no one came to save me, as soon as i started loosing all hopes i heard the door being unlocked, i quickly got up and opened them revealing Mustafa "Mustafa" I whispered softly before pulling him in tight hug which he returned  "Hieren..we need to talk" He whispered and i nodded pulling him in the chamber while closing the door, we sat on bed and he held my hands, he took deel breath before saying "My mother told me what will happen...." I took shaky breath and looked down "there has to be something we can do.." i whispered but he held my cheek with his palm and made me look up at him " its kings whill Hieren...we cant do anything" he said calmly "i dont want to lose you" i whispered as i teared up "i love you so much...i dont think i can continue my life if without you Mustafa.." he placed his thumb on my bottom lip to stop me from talking "shh... everything will be fine" he said but i could tell he wasnt sure about it himself either "im still here...we can spend this short time together" he said before pulling me in tight hug "please dont leave me" i cried out softly as i griped his shirt i could feel him hugging me tighter than before and his tears droping on my neck "I love you my Hieren..and i always will...always and forever" he said before pulling away from me and laying his forehead against mine "please dont take your life because of me begging you" he said through sobs and suddenly placed his hand on my belly "our baby needs its mother....and your son needs you too" he said as he caressed my belly with his palm, i looked up at him shocked "h-how do you know" i whispered "I asked nurse about you and she told me" I watched him as he spoke admiring every little detail of his face that made me fall in love with him even more, I didnt even though of the baby...this cant be happening"Mustafa...lets run away" I said not thinking it through, he looked at me schocked "We cant know that they will find us either way" He said sadly, i could see tears running down his cheeks as he spoke, i placed my hands on both of his cheeks "Mustafa please, I cant lose you" I whispered and he just held me in his arms tightly as we cried together "Please dont give up" He whispered and started crying even harder, we just stayed like that for long time while saying sweet things to each other and eventually we fell asleep.

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