part 37.

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  My mother stood in front of me with shock in her eyes, I couldn't believe I did this, I should've just keep my mouth shut but its over now, I cant do anything about it.
  "You will take that thing out of you!" My mother finally spoke but I shook my head with tears firming in my eyes again "NO! ITS MY CHILD AND I WILL STAY WITH IT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! ITS THE ONLY PIECE I HAVE LEFT OF MY LOVE!" I screamed my lungs out. My mother looked at me with disappointment and disgust in her eyes, "get her out of my face " she said before walking away with Rustem following her from behind. I watched as she walked away while playing with my fingers in anxiety, I was scared, I didn't know what will happen to me now. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder "Hey, don't worry." Beyazit said as he patted my shoulder "Im sure mother will change her mind" he said trying to calm me down "she wont..its a sin..sin's cant be forgiven " I whispered with that he sighed and walked away leaving my alone in a cold hallway. I gently let myself sit on the ground and pull my knees to my chest hugging them. I sat there for few moments before hearing little footsteps running to me, I turned my head to see my son Mehmet coming towards me, I smiled softly and wipe me tears off "Hello mother" he said with his soft voice "Hello my lion" I whispered "Why are you sitting here alone?" He asked curiously "I just needed to think about something" I said very honestly and he smiled at me "I know you were crying mother, your eyes are puffy...please dont cry" he said before hugging me, I hugged him back trying not to cry anymore "I will always protect you mother, you and my siblings" he said proudly and I froze for a moment"Siblings?" I asked curiously and he nodded "Aunt said you are pregnant " he smiled before patting my belly "will I have sister or brother?" He asked but I just froze again, how could she just tell him that!? Without me knowing!? "We don't know yet Mehmet" I said honestly and we talked for a while before he went to play in the garden and I went straight to Mihirmah.
  "Mihirmah!" I yelled as I entered her palace, she came out of her room confused "how could you tell Mehmet!" I yelled at her and she just smiled "he needed to know" she smirked before sitting by the coffee table "Mihirmah I was supposed to tell him" I said weakly and she just shrugged"I dont care, I can do what I want" she said with sass "not when it comes to my baby....he is still so little and je can't handle this informations" I said softly as I anxiously played with my fingers. Mihirmah stood up and walked over to me "Hieren" she said before placing her hand on my shoulder "then you shouldn't of done what you did" I looked her in the eyes "It was out of love...I never loved anyone as much as I love him, he made me feel like im worth to love and to be in love." She was looking at me in disbelief and disappointed "you are not worth anything Hieren. You slept with man while you were still married to another one!!" She screamed, "our father will never forgive you" she whispered "and neither will Allah." I looked away fir a moment and swallowed hard "I divorced Bali bey Mihirmah its not-" she cut me off "BUT YOU WERE STILL MARRIED IN FRONT OF ALLAH AND THAT CANT BE BROKEN!" She screamed even louder then suddenly Somone walked through the door "Sultana, is everything okay?" Rustem pasha asked and she just looked away angry, "please leave us alone Rustem" I said calmly "but sultana-" "SHE  SAID LEAVE US ALONE" Mihirmah suddenly yelled and Rustem left and she turned back to me "listen to me, you're not going to give birth to that baby Hieren. You. Won't. Because Bali Bey already gave you a son, a beautiful son. Something I will never receive from him...but you did and you have to treasure it. But no. You decided to betray him!" I couldn't believe what she was saying "Mihirmah, he betrayed me first" she shook her head with a chunkle"that doesn't matter! He-" suddenly the door opened again revealing our mother "girls" she said and we both bowed, I saw nurse beging my mother "what is-" "Hieren get on bed, we will get rid of the problem within few seconds " she said while pointing at the bed, I looked at her in terror.

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