Chapter 28

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"What are you doing here?" I asked Mustafa as he caressed my cheeks and kissed my forehead "I just came to see you and wish you a goodnight" he smiled and I smiled back leaning my cheeks more into his palm "thank you my prince" I said softly as he leaned in to give me a kiss, but before that could happen the door opened revealing my mother. Mustafa quickly moved away from me and removed his hands from my face, I sighed sadly before standing up and walking closer so my mother could see me better "mother" I said and bowed "is everything alright?" My mother didn't look happy with the fact that Mustafa is standing in my room at this hour "Mustafa what are you doing here?" She asked sounding angry "I just came to check on Hieren " he said and they gave each other death glares, I watched them for few moments before saying "he came to wish me good night mother, nothing else" "leave" my mother said harshly and I looked at her schocked , Mustafa just sighed and left with door closing behind him. My mother then turned to me and I sat back on my bed "I don't want him near you ever again Hieren, AND I MEAN IT!" I jumped in suprise when she yelled " You are not the one who will decide that mother...I can decide for myself " I said trying to keep my cool and keep myself from shaking, Im scared something might happen if I don't listen to mother,  "Hieren, this wasn't a question! I don't want you near him! " I stood up "he's my brother! I can see him whenever I want!" My mother grabbed me by my arm harshly and pulled  me closer  "Listen to me young lady, I'm not having this attitude of yours! I'm your mother and you will listen to me!" She screamed and I could feel tears forming in corners of my eyes " I love him mother...I can't be without him" What am I doing!? Why am I saying this to her!? I sniffed and she let go of my arm " I understand that, but he is not your brother Hieren, he is evil just like his mother! If Mihirmah can be without him you can be to, he's going to kill everyone in this castle including you just to get to the throne, we need to be careful and prepared for everything." she said with a sigh " goodnight my dear" with that she left and I just stared at the ground "what am I supposed to do...this is a disaster..."I whispered before sitting on my bed and pulling my legs to my chest.
I didn't sleep at all last night, there were too many thoughts running through my mind, I locked the door of my chamber so that no one can bother me, I didn't even change into the new dress I just stayed in my sleepwear and under my sheets while hugging a pillow. My mother asked me to have day alone with Mehmet, which I agreed's not like I had any other choice....I closed my eyes and decided to try and go to sleep just for few moments to rest my eyes, but then I heard knock on my door "Hieren?" I opened my eyes...I recognize that voice more than any other.. Selim, my younger brother. I quickly got up from the bed and unlocked the door and he walked in "Selim" I said sounding a bit happier and immediately jumping in his arms " I missed you so much" I said, he rubbed my back and kisses my head, he closed the door behind him and we sat on bed. Even tho he was you her than me he was still larger than me, he has big muscles and is very tall, he is the only one of my mother's kids that got her hair color which is orange. We talked for so long, "I'm glad you came here for a bit Selim, I really missed you" I smiled at him and he returned it "I wanted to see my big sister" he said "and me, father, bayazit, chihangir and Mustafa are going hunting"  He said but his smile disappeared, I looked at him worried "are you not happy about it?" I held his hand and he shook his head "no no! I'm happy I just had fight with..Beyazit.." he said and I sighed "I can't believe you guys are still fighting! I Tought you matured enough by now!" I shook my head and he laughed " you know he always starts it because he's jealous little fu-" I stopped him from saying the bad word "Selim " I said warning him and he nodded, even tho he is a grown man now he need to know his boundaries, I'll always be his big sister. "When are you going hunting?" I asked Selim while walking around the room and getting ready " he went silent for few moments before saying "next week, I'll be staying here until then " he said and I nodded "that's good". After some time I was finally dressed and ready for the day " we should go eat something, you must be starving" I said with smile and he got up from the bed and laughed " you mean YOU are starving" I blushed and rolled my eyes "Fine!! But hey I had nothing to eat ok!" I whined before grabbing him by the hand and leaving the room. We went to his chamber to eat, we sat down as we watched the maids prepare our food, after some tims they finished and walked out. "Hieren.." Selim said " yes ? " I said before taking spoon full of curry rice and putting it in my mouth and start chewing  " you should ... probably spend some time with Mustafa before we go..he might leave to his home after and not come back" Selim said, there was pinch of worried and saddens in his tone, I swallowed my food and sighed "you have no idea how much I want to do that..." I said softly, trying my hardest not to cry, I can't show my little brother how weak I am "why can't you?" He asked and I started playing with my food and thinking of answer, I couldn't tell him what about mother said to me ..that would hurt him "we had a fight yesterday" I whispered and he nodded " should at least work it out with him before he goes home" Selim said while patting my back "I will try" I said softly and smiled at him weakly, he smiled back and gently placed his hand on my head and then layed my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that and talked for hours and then it was night time. I got ready to leave and go back to my chamber but Selim stopped me "Hey..Hieren " he said and I turned to face him confused "yes? " "You should sleep here tonight, we can talk more" he smiled, I Tought for a second and then agreed "alright" I smiled and we sat on his bed and started talking again "I'm going to be honest with you" he whispered, it was already midnight "Nurbanu is giving my really hard time..." He whispered again and sighed, I never liked Nurbanu, she is mean and honestly don't deserve my brother or the title he gave her, but if he loves her I might as well try the same "why" I asked "she's getting herself into trouble every day, she's always doing something bad.." I shook my head "it's because she knows you love her so much and would never punish her, make her leave or kill her...she knows she can do what she wants cuz you gave her the title she has and you can't take it away cuz you're scared she will get upset" I told him the truth he needed to hear "I know but.." he started but stopped "Selim you need to think of a solution yourself, I cant help you because I know that you won't listen to me even if I try, you love her too much...this is problem you need to figure out yourself" I said softly as I patted his head, "she don't give me love least not as much as before...I miss that.." he said honestly and I blinked surprised "do you want cuddles?" I asked him not sure of what he wanted, we never cuddled before, but I guess there's first time for everything, he nodded, wow, did not expect that..."come here" I layed on bed and opened my arms for him and he smiled before laying down next to me and wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my neck, I smiled and caressed his hair and kissed his head.
The next morning I woke up, Selim was  still sleeping. I carefully got up from the bed and walked out of the chamber while rubbing my eyes, I didn't care if anyone saw me like this, I walked towards my chamber but as I was walked I heard giggling, I stopped walking and followed the sound. I walked over to Haman area and saw the sors of giggling "What the heck..." I said.

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