Chapter 31

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This chapter will have Hurrems POV because I'm dramatic and I want everyone to know how they found Hieren :), also this chapter have the same warning as the last one but less.

Hurrems POV

I walked down the hallway to get to Hierens room, Selim told me that something happened with Beyazit and Hieren but he don't know what, so I want to find out and talk to Hieren. After few minutes if walking I finally got to Hierens chamber, I tried opening the door but it was locked so I knocked on it "Hieren? Darling?" I called her but I didn't get the answer, I tried opening the door again but it was useless "Hieren! Open the door!" I yelled getting scared of why she's not answering the door "GUARDS!" I screamed scared and started banging on the door while crying. The guards finally came and pushed the door open. The sight the door revealed had me in shock "Hieren!" I cried out, I suddenly couldn't feel my legs anymore and I fell on my knees, luckily the guards caught me. As the door opened they revealed my daughter laying on her bed with blood dripping all over it, she was unconscious, "My daughter" I cried, I covered my  mouth with my hand "call the nurse" the guard told the other one, and he rushed, suddenly I hear familiar footsteps run walking to us "Sult-" he  started but stoped as soon as he saw the scene, he helped me get up "Zumbul" "Sultana let's get you out of here, this is too much for you" and with that he walked me out of the room , I looked at my daughter one last time before leaving, that scene will never leave my head...

End of Hurrems pov back to Hierens pov

I woke up with huge pain in my arms and head, I could barely open my eyes. I tried sitting up but it hurts too much "Sultana please don't, you're really injured" a soft old lady voice spoke to me in worried tone "W-what happened.." I asked with confused and concerned tone in my voice but nurse just stayed silent. I looked down at cause of my pain and saw my arms were wrapped in band-aidts, "why are my hands wrapped" I whispered, before nurse could say anything my father walked in the room with Selim and Mihirmah following close behind, "my daughter" my dad said while kneeing down next to bed and caressing my face, Mihirmah was crying and Selim looked sad and concerned "why would you do something like that to yourself" my dad asked, I could see tears forming in his eyes, " Father don't cry ...." I whispered "I tought I would lose you Hieren, how could you do something so bad to yourself, you could've died!" He scolded me and I just looked at celling disappointed in myself "Chihangir and Mustafa are on their way here, I told them to come" my father said "no father, I don't want then to see my like this ..." I said with pleading eyes "HIEREN YOU GOT EVERYONE SO WORRIED AND SCARED THAT WE WILL LOSE YOU!" He yelled and I flinched "Father i-" "WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!? " I could tell he was getting really angry but he was crying at the same time so I got confused, "Father please step out this is not okay" Mihirmah suddenly said and pulled dad out of the chamber. I feel ashamed..I can't believe I did this...I looked up at Nurse "When will the wounds heal...?" I asked her "they are really I would say few weeks but there will definitely be scars after" she said honestly and left the room, I sighed and swallowed hard "why did you do it Hieren" Selim suddenly asked me, I forgot he was in the room "I...I don't remember " I lied, I knew exactly why I did it..."was it because of Beyazit?" He asked "It wasn't Selim... Beyazit has nothing to do with this" "you're lying" "I'm not lying Selim please stop" he sighed and sat on bed "why isn't he here then" he asked while looking at my arms "according to my better judgement....he's looking after Hurichan.." he shook his head "why tho..." "Don't you think that's the question he should be can I know Selim..." I said softly and he sighed "mom found you...she is really worried she couldn't come here because it hurts her too much..." My eyes opened wide "mom found me..." I whispered shocked, I'm so stupid!  My mom is now probably worried sick about me! This will destroy her " no no no no no" I started crying, I tried getting up but Selim stoped me "Hieren she's sleeping ...she will be fine please try to do the same" he pleated and I agreed "Selim...please don't let Mustafa and Chihangir in here..." I asked him worried "I'll try my best but please rest now" he told me and I nodded "ok..." With that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I was woken up by sun hitting my eyes I groaned and turned to the other side, after few more minutes of sleeping I finally decide to get up, a week has passed from the accident and pain is gone but I'm scared to take off the band-aids and see what's under... I got up from my bed and walked over to my mirror, I haven't looked at myself in the mirror for a week, I look like a mess...I took a brush from my nightstand and started brushing my hair, as I brushed my hair I tought about things ill see when I come outside of my chamber... Hurichan died few days ago...I'm scared to face Beyazit, Fatma left, father is disappointed with me and I haven't seen my mother since the day she found me...I still need to face Chihangir, my son and Mustafa... This is so messed up. I sighed as I brushed the last lock of my hair, my hair was now smooth again just like before, I put on my favorite dress, I made sure to cover my wrapped arms  and fixed myself a bit. I gave myself one last look in the mirror before taking deep breath and leaving my chamber, the cold air from the hallway hit my warm body, I decided to first go see my mother. I walked to her chamber and guards let me in, I walked further into the chamber only to see my mother sitting in her usual seat on the could and eating sweets and drinking tea. "Mother..." I called her but she didn't look at me, I walked up to hr nervously "Mom..." I said again and held her hand gently but she gently pushed my hand away "Don't touch me Hieren please " she said "but.." she but her hand up to let me know to stop talking " Hieren how could you do something like this to yourself, to us? Do you know how scared me and your father were!? We tough you would die and we would lose you forever!" She scolded me and I looked down "Im sorry mother I just-" she stopped me again "you speak when I let you speak Hieren! You are my blood! You're supposed to be like me, you think I would ever do something like this!? I wouldn't! I'm very disappointed in you Hieren, whatever reason you did this for I'm sure it's not enough to self harm like this...look at your arms! You ruined them! Have you seen them!? " She got up and I flinched "I saw them first Hieren, you ruined them! You had perfect pure skin and now it's full of scars that will never go away!" I teared up and looked down "unwrap the band-aid Hieren" she said and I shook my head "N-no...I don't want to" I whispered "unwrap them Hieren!" She yelled and I started to cry more, I begin to unwrap then but then the door bursted open, I looked behind me to see who it was and it was... ( Comment who do you want it to be ^^).

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