Chapter 22

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I just stared at my father after he told me the news, Mustafa will have child? with who? when did this happened "Hieren?" My father suddenly called my name " Oh  im sorry father  i spaced out, but thats great!" I smiled "I was thinking we could go visit him and see how he and his woman are doing" my father said "i dont know...I cant leave Mehmed alone here and he is too little to go on that far journey..." My father suddenly looked really sad " You can ask Mihirmah if she wants to sure she will love the idea" I said trying to comfort him " I feel like youre distancing yourself from me day by day Hieren" He suddenly said and i looked at him confused "father..i have family now..i cant be in your palace all the time.." I said as i patted his shoulder " I know you cant but i just wanna spend some time with you..thats all" I knew the reason...of course i did..he misses my mother and i understand him...i kinda am very like her if im being honest "Father ill come with you, I miss my brother anyway" I smiled and gave him hug wich he returned before saying " we are going tomorow morning" I nodded and he got up, we said our goodbyes and he left.

Its the next morning and im questioning my desision to go with my father " what did i got myself into.." I took a sip of my morning cherry tea as i watched my  son sleeping in his crib "my darling" I whispered as i gently caressed his cheek with my finger "you will grow up into strong Prince one day" I smiled  then my maid Nasia walked in "sultana" she bowed and i smiled at her " Good morning, you should get ready your Majesty will be here soon" she said "Alright" I got up before walking over to Nasia " Bring Mehmed to my Chamber " she nodded and I walked in my chamber to get ready, I put on white velvet dress (srry i just love velvet) along with Fur Boa to go with it since its really cold today, I still wasnt sure wheter i should leave my son here or not..but he cant come with me becuse he might get sick...I tought for a second before Nasia came in room with Mehmeds crib in her hands and mehmed as well "Nasia" i said as she placed the crib next to my bed and bowed " yes my sultana?" I turned to her " After i leave i want you to lock all the doors in the palace, I dont want anyone near my son and if something happens to him you will be the first to die did you hear me?" I said very serious and i could see fear in her eyes and she started to shake slightly " y-yes my sultana, i wont dissapoint you" she said with shaky breath " you better not" then i left..i got into carrige and left with my father. Yes i was harsh with her but im scared someting might happen to my son..and she has to take me seriously. After few hours have passed we finally got to Mustafas palace, I got out of carrige with my dad and we went inside the palace, we walked down the main hallway following the guards, after few moment we came to main chambers door and the guards opened it revealing pregnant woman talking with Mustafa, they both turned to look at us " Mustafa" My father said before walking over to him and giving him a hug, I smiled and walked furthure into the chamber and the woman came up to me and bowed "Sultana, I finally meet you...I heard great things about you" she said and i look at her schocked "thank you" I patted her shoulder " congrats on baby, I wish you all the best" I gave her small smile before walking over to Mustafa "Mustafa.." I looked at his face for the first time in long time..he grew a beard wich made him even more atractive..i loved it " Congrats Brother " I smiled before givivng him a small hug wich he returned. After we said our congrats it was time for lunch, we all sat down by the table and started eating " is your son doing?" I almost chocked on my food" Mihrunisa..just becuse you are pregnant with my brother child does not mean you dont have to respect me...its Sultana for you..not Hieren" I told her calmly "shes right" Mustafa suddenly said and Mahirunisa just nodded and contined eating " I apologize sultana" she said and i nodded " My son is doing fine, he will grow up into strong prince one day" I smiled "We have your chambers ready " Mustafa said with smile on his face "Oh no we are not staying" I said in panic and my father looked at me weirdly "we are staying, its too late for us to go home " My father said " but father..Mehmed is at home, i need to go to him and-" " Bali bey can take care of him, its just for one night"my father said...if only he knew Bali bey wont be home tonight "but fahter.." " Hieren please dont make this dificult" My father said and I just looked down at my plate silent.  It was time for bed and we all went to our chambers, I couldnt sleep..the only thing on my mind was my son..what if someting happens to him? I walked back and forth around my chamber thinking about my son until the door opened revealing Mustafa, I looked at him and stopped "Mustafa? did something happened?" I asked worried and he shook his head and sat on bed "i just wanna talk to you" I nodded before sitting down next to him on bed " Alright" I said  with smile " You changed alot" He smiled back " you look thinner and your hair got longer "  " yeah, i guess motherhood changed me alot more than i expected " I laughed softly "guess so" he said before laughing back " I like that you grew beard, you look more mature and handsome now" I said as i softly caressed his beard (srry if it sounds weird or smth) " you think?" he asked as he gently leaned in my touch and i nodded " yeah " I smiled more as i stared into his eyes but quickly stopped " they still havent found my mother getting really worried and-" "Hieren" he said annoyed "its been years since she left, cant you just let it go? " I suddenly got angry " no i cant Mustafa..i love her more than anything, i will never lose hope to find her  " He shook his head and i sighed "Is Bali Bey taking good care of you?" He asked and I looked down " yeah he sure is" I gave him small smile trying not to remember what happened "He better be..." He said and i smiled " I should go to sleep now..thank you for the chat" I said before giving him quick hug before he lft, i then got ready for bed and and went to sleep. We left early in the morning but not before saying goodbye of course. When i got home i rushed to my sins room and saw him being feed " My darling" I said as i almost teared up and took him in my arms " My little lion" I softly kissed his head " Mommy missed you so much " And i sped the rest of the day playing with him.

3 years have passed and my little lion is now 3 years old, Bali Bey started coming home alot less than usual which would be fine for me if we didnt had little kid, it honestly made me mad cuz he dont even hang out with Mehmed. I am currently sitting on sofa and reading story to Mehmed when all of a sudden he interupted me by asking " Mommy?" I smiled at him "Yes my lion?" I responded "Who is the man that always comes here and then goes out fast?" He asked while playing with my fingers " what do you mean darling? what man?" I was confused on who is he talking about "the man who comes here every night but then goes away early in the morning" I froze..he was talking about Malko..I knew something like this would happen sonner or later..what am i supposed to do now.."forget about it Mehmed, go to your room please" i said as i put him down " But mommy.." " Mehmed please" with that he left and i held my head in my hands and started crying " This cant be real..look what you did Malko.." I said angry and pushed the table that was in front of me to the floor spilling everything that was on it.."I cant stay here any longer..NASIA" I got up and she came in the chamber " pack my and Mehmeds stuff, we are going to my fathers palace  i said frustrated "but sultana-" "NOW!" i yelled out and she quickly left. After ecerything was ready we got into carrige and made our way to my fathers palace "Mommy where are we going?" Mehmed asked and i sighed " We will be staying with grandfather for awhile, he misses you" I smiled and he nodded.

 After some time we got there and unpacked our stuff, I let Mehmed go play in the garden with Maids and i made my way to my fathers chamber to explain to him why we are here, as I was walking down the hall I suddenly saw figure standing at the end of the hallway, I walked closer and closer and then.."M-Mom?.." I whispered, my eyes filled with tears and she opened her arms for me "My Hieren.." I ran to her and hugged her tight as i cried on her shoulder " I cant belive im holding you again.." I cried harder as she caressed my hair " shh im here now darling.." 

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