Chapter 4 Emotional Overload

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The thing about staying at Grimmauld Place is that it's an endless cycle of trying to get entertainment. It's the itch that just won't go away, the sneeze that won't come. When Y/N first came to headquarters, she knew that she'd be in need of something to keep herself busy, but she didn't realize what extent that went to. She never took into account how she's up for over twelve hours everyday and how slow they could go by. She often finds herself just walking around the house, thinking to herself. One thing that Y/N misses about living as a muggle is that there was never many dull moments. She never really had those at Hogwarts either this past year, in fact she wished for it. Looking back now, there's nothing Y/N wants more than to get that same movement in life. That feeling that there's always something to do.

 That feeling that there's always something to do

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"What're you up to?"

She looks across the room she and Ginny are staying in. "Nothing... As usual."

He slowly walks in. "Perhaps a bit of magic will make you feel better."

Y/N avoids eye contact with Fred. "I can't. My parents took my wand away."

"Why'd they do that?"

"They don't want the ministry to have any chance at tracking me. Seems the trace on underage wizards is stronger than I thought. So they don't want to take any chances."

"Well last time I checked, you don't need your wand to do magic." He smirks, pulling her hands into her eyesight.

She takes her hands back and looks at them. "I'm not sure what I'd do. The thing about elements is that they're the purest of practical magic. They're meant to come up in the moment when needed."

He looks back at the doorway. "Well there's always practice, right?"

Y/N's been thinking about it, lately. "I suppose so."

"Do y-..."


She looks up at him. "Oh- um... Never mind.."

"No, go on."

"I was just. Um, I was wondering if you'd allow me to try... looking into your mind?"

His eyebrows go down for a second. "Uh-."

"Forget it, it was a bad idea."

Fred almost jolts his eyes to her. "Course not. I'm just not sure I want people looking in my head."

Y/N gives him a smirk. "Something to hide?"

He gives a small laugh. "Maybe."

For a while, Y/N didn't want to even think about legilimency. She didn't want to because when she looked into Moody's, or Barty Crouch Jr's head, she was left with huge mental and physical pain. Physically, she felt like she'd been hit by a truck and mentally, it was awful. When going into someone's mind, the person's emotions and feelings are forced onto her. Even though Y/N only did it once, once was enough to turn her away from wanting to do it again. She hasn't even been able to speak to Dumbledore about it since then. He was the one that had pushed her and taught her about magic without seeing or hearing it, but he's too busy now. He's got to deal with Hogwarts and Order business, leaving her to figure it out on her own going forward. At the end of the day, it's only going to be her going forward. She wanted to do this. Not necessarily to look into other's thoughts, but to have control over her own abilities.

The Forgotten Witch In A Summer At Grimmauld Place (A Harry Potter Story) 4Where stories live. Discover now