Chapter 1 A Restless Reality

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"NO, If you go to that signi-"

"I have to go, I agreed to it months ago. If I don't, then people will be standing there, confused."

Y/N's father looks at her in concern. "You can't do a book signing in Diagon Alley. With Voldemort's return, who knows what could happen."

She rolls her eyes as she stands there in the kitchen. "Nothing is going to happen. I understand that you and mom don't want to go out in public because you fought in the last war. You two are targets of the death eaters, but I'm not. As far as Voldemort knows, I'm just some socialite who likes attention. So no, I don't think that anyone's going to attack my book signing at Flourish and Blotts."

"Y/N, you're our daughter, we're your parents

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"Y/N, you're our daughter, we're your parents. That means that we make the rules."

"And I understand that, but I agreed to this and I won't go back on my word. So please, just trust that I can handle myself."

Daniel sighs as he looks at Y/N, holding Weston. "Of course you can handle yourself, you're the Elemental Witch, but you're still only fifteen. I've seen how your emotions effect your ability. Anything could happen and the last thing your mother and I need is for you to take off today and go to Diagon Alley."

She nods her head. "And I know that. I get that you want to protect me and that we're coming upon something with the Dark Lord, but life goes on for now. The truth is that Voldemort and the death eaters will be more suspicious of us if none of us are making public appearances. You and mom just had a baby so you don't have to, but we'll be safer if I do."

He looks out the window at the courtyard. "Fine. You go today, but you will come straight home. Do you promise?"

"Of course." She smiles. "I promise."

Y/N walks up to her father and hands him her little brother. "It'll all be okay, dad. I know it will."

As she starts turning around, she suddenly feels a surge of something. Not wanting to make a scene or to concern her dad, she doesn't say a thing. Y/N looks back at him, who's turned away from her. While she does so, there's this feeling she can't describe. It's not something good or something even calm. It feels jagged and sharp, not positive in any way.

After the second that'd felt like fifteen, she turns back around and makes her way out of the room for real. She's no clue what that was, but Y/N also doesn't have the time for it.

She heads down the hall towards the conservatory now, thinking about how today could go. In her mind originally, she only saw herself going to the bookstore, talking about the book, and signing books. Now, her father's got herself thinking about death eaters. This was the last thing she needed today, fear.

Sierra's been in bed all morning because she was up for the majority of the night. No one ever said that a newborn baby's easy for a reason, it rarely ever is. Weston's no exception and his family didn't expect him to be. Granted, Y/N's never been in the same house as a newborn baby so she never thought about her parents being in such states. Their eyes have circles under them and their hair's unbrushed. The baby hasn't affected Y/N since she came back a week ago, but her room's far down the hall from her parent's so it would be difficult to happen. At their old house, she probably would've been woken up, but this house has corridors the length of a basketball court.

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