Chapter 5 Content

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The twins look over to the doorway and Fred smiles. "Hey."

George follows him. "Hey. What's up?"

Y/N walks forward into the room, closing the door as she leaves the frame

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Y/N walks forward into the room, closing the door as she leaves the frame. "I was wondering.. Well, I have a thought, but I need your guys' help."

Fred gets up from his seat. "What is it?"

She had a talk with him the night after she looked into his mind. Y/N didn't want him to think that her crying was his fault. Nor was she trying to tell him something. It's not his fault for thinking about their relationship when she's literally looking into his eyes that way. She had to make clear why she teared up and that there was no hard feelings. And at the same time, that it wasn't a sign that she still had feelings for him. In pure Fred Weasley form, he listened, he understood, and he made it known that he wants to forget about it. Not in a rude manner, but in a way of saying 'let's pretend it never happened' because at the end of the day, it wasn't that deep.

"Well you see, I was thinking about something that could potentially make a good Weasley Wizard Wheezes product. And I have a basic idea on how to make it, but I'll need your guys' charms skills."

While Y/N is pretty good with charms, Fred and George are on a whole other level. The two of them are probably the best charms users that she's ever met. As far as she knows, not even her parents are as good as they are. Then again, she's not seen her parents do enough to really know.

"What's the idea?" George inquires.

She smiles, deviously. "You ever heard of a smoke grenade?"

Fred looks very confused. "No."

His brother questions. "Is it a muggle thing?"

Y/N nods. "Yes, but I believe that magic could make it so much more."

"Well then, seems it's time to make a plan."

"Perhaps we should close the door, last thing we need is for our parents to find us attempting this." 

"You're probably right."

"So with that being said." She continues to walk over the door and closes it. "To the drawing board."

Y/N stands with the twins looking over the diagram they've put together. She knows exactly how she wants it to turn out. The only thing is, she's worried if it will work. Luckily, Harry gave the twins his prize money for winning the Triwizard Tournament, so they have a ton of supplies for creating new products. And on top of that, her father brought a decent portion of their ingredients from their lab at home. So if they don't  have something they need, then they could go borrow it from him. It really helps to have a lot of resources to work with.

The Forgotten Witch In A Summer At Grimmauld Place (A Harry Potter Story) 4Where stories live. Discover now