Chapter 6 Further Developments

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Y/N sits down at the desk in the girl's room, writing with a quill and ink on a piece of parchment.

Y/N sits down at the desk in the girl's room, writing with a quill and ink on a piece of parchment

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Dear Draco,

I'm glad that you've been enjoying your Summer so far and I hope that I'll be able to see you soon. 

I myself am enjoying this time off. After everything that happened this past year, it feels good to relax and just spend some time with my family. Though I have to admit, it can be a bit boring not having such a chaotic life. I presume I just got use to it over the course of the past school year.

Anyways, I'm sorry that I won't be able to see you for a bit. My Mom and Dad have both contracted the flu and are worried about giving it to Weston. While they're still doing a lot of their day to day things with him, I've had to start doing some more until they get better. Hopefully they'll get better soon and then we'll able to see each other again.

Yours Truly,



"What are you doing?"

She looks over to Hermione. "Writing a letter to Draco. I feel like such a fraud."

The girls gives a confused look. 'Why's that?"

Y/N looks down at her words. "It's completely falsified. Telling him that both my parents have contracted the flu, so I have to stay home. I hate lying to him like this. And I know you hate him, but I think you understand. I mean, your parents think you're just staying with me in Wiltshire."

She nods. "Yeah..."

"I want to be involved with the Order, even if it's just by a loose affiliation through my parents, but this is insanity. I cannot believe that we're expected to stay here for the rest of the Summer. God, I'd kill for some time to roam the streets of Soho right now."

"You're right, this sucks. We stare at these walls day in and day out. And on top of it all, Harry is at the Dursley's place, completely unaware and miserable."

"Maybe we should sneak out."

Hermione's eyes go a bit wide. "We can't do that!"

Y/N gives her a look. "Oh come on, Mione. No one will even notice that we're gone."

She pushes back. "They most certainly will. As tired as your parents are, this house is still full of adults, keeping an eye on us. One of them being Molly Weasley. While I like her, the woman scares me to death."

"You just need to forg-"

Suddenly, an ear-piercing screech fills the house, soon followed by yelling.

The Forgotten Witch In A Summer At Grimmauld Place (A Harry Potter Story) 4Where stories live. Discover now