Chapter 8 Masquerade

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Y/N stands in the girls' room, looking at herself in an old, golden-framed mirror. She's wearing a dress she made with dark green fabric. It's wrapped around the bodice, cinched in the middle of the bust, and has a belt around the waist that's the same material. The skirt is the same flowy material. It goes three fourths of the way down her calves, but ascends to be cut shorter on the sides, where it's above the knee. She's got black flats on because she isn't in the mood to wear heels for the night and her hair's half up half down. She hasn't got a mask, but according to her parents, masquerade balls supply them at the door.

 She hasn't got a mask, but according to her parents, masquerade balls supply them at the door

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"You look amazing."

She turns back a smiles at Ginny. "Thanks."

The girls eyes the dress up and down. "I wish I could go with you."

Y/N puts her chin down slightly as a sign of agreement. "I wish you could to, but Molly would never allow it."

"How on Earth did you get your parents to do it?"

"I reminded them of who they are. And everything they promised the world that they'd do. So I essentially, I manipulated them."

She gives a confused expression. "Do you feel bad about it."

"No." She responds, shaking her head. "But maybe that's not a good thing. Maybe it was selfish of me."

Ginny turns her around to look at herself in the mirror. "Don't be ridiculous. Anything that gets you in a dress like this, is worth it."

Hermione walks in, joining the conversation. "And remember, maybe it was a tactic, but you were right. Your family has the means to do something that makes a mark on the world. This is jut the beginning."

The both of them are right. While Hermione's anecdote may have been more sentimental and morally driven, Ginny makes a good point. This dress looks amazing. Y/N spent all her time working on it since she got her parents to day yes. Sierra had Calvy bring one of her dresses from home, as well as a suit for Daniel. They're going to look amazing tonight. Weston can't come due to the fact that he's sick and well, a baby. So Molly's taking care of him tonight. She volunteered surprisingly quick. Then again, the woman does really like kids. The amount she has is living proof.

"You should probably head upstairs. Your parents must be ready by now."

She smiles. "Alright. I'll you you guys later."

Y/N walks out of the room, contently.

When she walks into her parent's room, Y/N finds the last thing she expected. Both her mother and father are dressed, but they look terrible. Both of their faces have a pale, almost greenish look to them and they clearly are unwell. Sierra looks just about halfway ready to drop dead and Daniel's about to throw up.

"Oh my god, what's happened to you lot?"

Her father responds. "It seems Weston may have given us his cold. Though it's feeling more like a flu."

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