Chapter 15 Finale

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I haven't heard from Draco in a while. I suppose his family's been busy or maybe he's just getting ready for our fifth year at Hogwarts. Truthfully, I should be doing that myself. Though I can't exactly go out to pick up my books or anything in Diagon Alley seeing as we haven't gotten our supply lists yet. Plus that's likely going to be a nightmare. I wouldn't be surprised if our parents had Moody, Kingsley, and Remus walking through the crowd to watch from a distance. I have yet to tell Draco about the kiss with Fred because I want to do it in person. Is that wrong? No, he'd be more angry to read it in a letter and then it would build up until we saw each other.

Fred hasn't said a word since I told him we should keep our distance from each other. It's better that way. Even though it wasn't mine or his fault, it's hard to say I don't blame him. It is partly my fault for letting my guard down. For allowing myself to get close with him. I will never do that again.

My legilimency has been slowly slipping back. Every now and then, I'll be able to read someone's thoughts or I can sense their emotions. It fluctuates as the hours go by. One that that's become more apparent with time is that it's easier to reach someone's thoughts and memories when they're feeling a magnified sense of emotions. For example when they feel a lot of somberness, ecstasy, or fierce rage, it's extremely easy to read them. Someone who's more often easy to read than not, is Sirius. His frustration is frequently the largest emotion in a room. I try not to look into his mind too much because his rage and annoyance can be a lot, it's the same for everyone else as well.



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"What're you doing?"

She swiftly shuts the book. "Huh?"

Hermione walks into the room, curious. "What is that?"

Y/N puts it under her pillow. "It's nothing."

He friend pushes, giving into the urge of wanting to know. "Is it a journal?"

The sound of a sigh takes her by surprise, especially since it cam from her. "I mean, yeah I guess it is."

"Have you always written in a journal? Because I haven't seen any around before."

"I only started doing this recently. Look, I'd rather not talk about it. So if it's okay with you, I'd like to move on from this topic." She proclaims.

The truth is that Y/N never wanted her friends to know she'd been writing her emotions down, even if it wasn't the most interesting thing. For some reason, she sees it as a point of weakness, having the need to write things down like this. Maybe it's insecurity, but that's how it feels to her. And the last thing she needs is for someone to be able to read what's going on with her.

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