After a chaotic fourth year at Hogwarts, Y/N, her family, and her friends are all scared. Cedric Diggory's tragically passed, Voldemort's returned, and everyone's in danger. In this story, Y/N must deal with spending her Summer not being able to lea...
When Y/N was seven years old, she and her parents left Glasgow and rarely looked back. The thing to know about it is that they left in a hurry. Her mom and dad never explained what happened and why they left the city. Glasgow itself is one of the biggest cities in Scotland and with that, comes big government. Daniel used to spend up to a week at a time not being home and going to Edinburgh. Despite never knowing what he did, Y/N knew it was serious. Government figures from both Glasgow and Edinburgh would come to their house in the evening.
After leaving in a rush, Y/N's parents would rarely let her go out in public without them. It took years for them to not wait right at the exit doors of the school for her. Even more so, they rarely left her out of her sight. Though after a long time, the reigns were loosened and Y/N could live more normally. However, the time of watching her back at a constant had left it's mark. One that will stay with her for the rest of her life. That being said, it's extremely disappointing to herself that she let her guard down and now she's going who knows where.
Apparition is a stomach-turning feeling. It's like a rollercoaster that grabs your intestines and swings you around. The lucky thing is, you get used to it after an uncertain amount of times. When Y/N first disapparated with Remus, she felt just about sick to her stomach. Luckily though, it wasn't enough for her to throw up. The next time with her parents made her feel a similar type of ill, but not to the same extreme. This time is not exception. Despite not being prepared and knowing that this was to happen, Y/N knows what's to be expected.
The second that Y/N apparates, she looks down at the floor and tries her best to make this as seamless as possible. Breathing steadily makes it better, but it doesn't fix it.
She notices that the floor she's looking at is some old ratty carpet. It was likely beautiful at one point, but at this current point, it's no more than old. There's a layers of dust on it that has been brushed and stepped onto at some recent point because the steps are clear. The lighting is deep and old. Similar to Hogwarts's lighting, it seems to be lit via flame. A torch.
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Y/N suddenly remembers what just happened and looks up. She takes a sudden look to whoever just kidnapped her and realizes that her memory serves her correct. Sometimes a moment like that can black out or blur in someone's mind, but it stayed pretty clear in her head. Crystal, if one could describe it that way.
She looks at Mad-Eye Moody in annoyance. "What the hell?!"
"Forgive me, Sparks, but there's not time like the present."
She shakes her head in disbelief. "No time like the present, are you kidding me?! What on Earth are you doing?!"
There's a sudden voice from behind her. "Apologies, Y/N. We thought it best that Alastor got you straight from Diagon Alley as apposed to waiting to pick you and your parents up together."
She turns around to see none other than Albus Dumbledore himself. "Wh- What do you mean my parents?"
As he explains, Y/N takes a second to look at her surroundings. "Well you see. This is the safest place for you and your family to be this Summer."