Chapter 13 Disorientated

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The lighting is hazy. Maybe it's the fact the they're flashing, over and over again. There are colors of purple, pink, and red, illuminating the room for milliseconds at a time. The music is loud. Not in the way of 'hey, could you turn it down a bit?', it's more like the kind of volume that people call the cops on just to keep you quiet. The kind that can be heard all the way down the block. The room is packed of people, jumping and dancing to the music. The fact that they're all intoxicated doesn't help. Each and every person looks like they've no clue how they're going to get home, but not a single one of them looks like they care. All they see is this moment in time and space where they don't need to think about the lives they'll be going back to tomorrow morning with pounding headaches. It's reminiscent of the Yule Ball, only this is on another level. Something that the school would never allow. Then again, what does one expect from a club.

Y/N's decided that one night of freedom is something she and her friends are deserving of

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Y/N's decided that one night of freedom is something she and her friends are deserving of. So when they walked in about ten minutes ago, all pressure was off. 

Now she stands in the middle of the room cheering and dancing with no care for anything else. There's no Voldemort, no death, and most of all, no restraint other than her own decision making. She's no plan to act out of line, but for this single night, she's absolutely liberated.

Hermione refused to come, of course. She claimed that it was a frivolous, a waste of time, and a danger to all of them. That it's idiotic to think going out was anything more than risky. Any fun that could happen would be ruined by the thought of their reality. The twins disagreed. They wanted more than anything to go out and see how muggles party. Magic folk probably party the same way, just with more magic in place of technology. 

Ginny, wearing a knee length red dress and a leather jacket on top, dances with Y/N, who's wearing a black dress. She made the Weasley girl get dressed up for this. In fact, it's her clothes that the girl is wearing. The two of them are having the time of their lives. They'd both been fantasizing of the things they'd do if they could just leave Grimmauld Place and go out on their own.

Ron and the twins are off doing whatever it is that they planned to do here. Knowing them, the twins are dancing like the two girls and Ron's either doing the same or sitting down at a table. It doesn't really matter.

If Y/N could do one thing without parent supervision, it's this. Go to the biggest party she can find and just dance all night long. Listen to live music, enjoy the flashing lights, and just let everything go. This is it. The moment where her and Ginny can do just that without any crap from parents, figures of authority, or anyone else for that matter.

Carpe Diem: used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.

Her favorite part of live music or any music for that matter is bass. If it's going to be loud, it better have bass that can be felt to the core of one's chest. 

The speakers seem to be answering her prayers as they almost shake as the song fills the ears of everyone in this room.  She can feel the waves of the pattern, flowing past her and slowly going away. 

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