Chapter 11 Static Charm

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Dear Y/N,

I hope things have been going well since the last time I saw you at the masquerade. I was walking around one of the libraries in my house the other day and found this. I believe you know why I've sent this to you and I think you really should read it. You've got more to learn than you think.




When Y/N opens the parcel that Solry delivered with the letter, she finds a small red book with gold flake detailing on it. It's one of those books that you could easily fit into any book, but not so small that it could be seen as a children's book. Than again, judging by the title, maybe it is just that.

 Than again, judging by the title, maybe it is just that

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Written across the front cover are the words. 'The Elemental Witch'.

How curious that Draco's parent's would have this book in their library To be honest, she wonders if he just found it. The Elemental Witch was told as a child's legend after all. Perhaps this belonged to him. 

She's not sure how to feel about him sometimes, Draco Malfoy. How could someone switch between being so sweet to her to being so cruel to her friends? And even more so, how does he justify the actions to himself? Is this normal for kids of parents like his? Is this the product of a prejudice marriage?

Well either way, this book is of use to Y/N. She's spent years just finding that she could do things and then going on to learn control wit them, but maybe this book has more to tell. This book could be exactly the thing to tell her why she's been giving these abilities and what she's meant to do with them.

When the book is first cracked open, it's an interesting first impression. The first page is an image of a woman, surrounded by wind, water drops, fire sparks, and crystals. She seems very peaceful. It feels extremely odd to think about  the fact that this woman on the page is her, or... at least what people expected to be her.

With a simple, quick, flip through of just brushing through the pages, she notices that the books is lighter on words. Seeing as it is a small, short book and there probably hasn't been much known about her, it seems to be full of images and diagrams. 

She opens it to the first page with writing on it and sits down on the bed.


In 1842, a unknown woman appeared at a party among some of the Wizarding World's greatest aristocrats and government figures. She went up to a man by the name of Elijah Sterling and handed him a golden wand that had four gems on the handle and what appeared to be branches or vines, wrapping around it from the handle to the end. She claimed that one day, a girl would come and claim the wand. She told him to keep it safe and one day, the owner of the wand would come. She soon disappeared and was never seen again. The wand would go on to be handed down through the family, until one day, Alexander Sterling, grandson to Elijah, decided to give it to Ollivanders' Wand Shop.

The Forgotten Witch In A Summer At Grimmauld Place (A Harry Potter Story) 4Where stories live. Discover now