◇2. Snacks And Stands◇

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This chapter is a bit shitty, because most of the ideas I have will come into place In the next one. Though, you'll get to know the name of Y/N's stand. It's from a Jimi Hendrix song :)


"He's dead?!" Mista exclaimed before most of us had time to react.

"Yes, it's suspected to be suicide, unfortunately." Bucciarati looked down at the table, seemingly not sure how to take the bad news himself.

"Suicide? Why would Polpo kill himself?" Fugo asked. I noticed Giorno staring off into the distance, which is weird since even I had a closer relationship to Polpo, and I never even met him.

"I'm not sure... But listen, there's something else you need to know." Bucciarati continued, though he had more determination in his eyes now. "Polpo had a treasure hidden." Everyone's eyes immediately lit up.

"A treasure? Money?" Narancia almost jumped at my side in excitement.

"Yes, the rumours are starting to spread through the organization regarding his death, and other members will start to look for it before we know it."

"So... What does this mean for us?" I asked.

"It means we have to retrieve it before anyone else does."

"How are we supposed to do that? Do we even know where it is?"

"I do. That's why we need to get going immediately." Bucciarati turned around and headed for the door, expecting us to follow him. None of us had a chance to finish our cakes, but we obeyed orders without hesitation. I followed behind Narancia, taking notice of Fugo snatching the strawberries off of every plate that was left behind.

"What?" He asked, sounding like a grumpy, old man.



Bucciarati was talking to the owner of a boat shop when Narancia whistled at me.


"Hey, Y/N, look!" He showed me a bunch of different snacks and drinks that barely fit in his arms as his lips curved into a wide smile. "I'm gonna buy them."

"Uh-huh... Do you even have the money for it?" I crossed my arms as I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Tch, no... I'll have Bucciarati buy it for me. If you help me carry half, I'll even share some of it with you!" He looked like a proud dog that had just retrieved his favorite toy. I sighed and grabbed half.

"Fine..." We put it on the counter, making everyone look in our direction. "Narancia wants this, can he get it?" I asked and Bucciarati sighed before nodding.

"Sure, I guess it won't hurt."

"Thanks!" Narancia replied as he began balancing some of the things. He grabbed all the bags of chips along with some chocolate bars, while I offered to carry the cans of soda on our way to the boat.

Narancia, being incredibly sneaky, slipped past everyone even with his hands full. I struggled a bit with balancing all the cans, and looked at the closest person for some support, which happened to be Fugo.

"Hey, uh, do you mind helping me out?"

"I thought I was a cocky genius, so why are you talking to me?" His attitude seemed to differ a lot depending who he talked to, meaning he wasn't a big fan of me.

"I was just joki- whoa!" The cans fell forwards, and I tried to quickly catch them before they fell. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a green-colored sleeve reach out to the front of me. Surprisingly, Mista helped me catch them.

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