◇21. Official◇

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I've been writing this story for a month now :) Also, it is getting closer to the end unfortunately. I love Fugo with all my heart, but all good things come to an end. Though, as I've said in my other stories, I obviously have another planned :P Chances are there'll be one or two more chapters after this?

Also for the next story, It's gonna be an au. But idk if I wanna go with a charcter I've written about or one of the others from team bucciarati. how am I supposed to decide when i love them all??


The whole kitchen had exploded.

People laid spread out over broken furniture and pieces of wood coming from various parts of the room. Narancia and Mista were trying to climb over to Trish who had gotten stuck under a large piece of the counter.

In the doorway to the patio, stood someone wiggling a pen between their finger. Fugo and I frantically waved the smoke away to get a clearer vision of what was going on, but we only got to witness Caryna smiling at us.

"I'm getting really fed up with this. Can't the two of you just die? I mean, what kind of lucky little family is this? I blew up the whole room and they're still alive?" She scoffed, followed by a chuckle. "It's ridiculous."

"Diavolo is gone, Caryna." Fugo replied before looking around the room. "That's weird, I would have guessed Buttons was with you."

"Who says she isn't? Haven't you noticed that part of your team hasn't rushed here to make sure you're all okay?" She smiled widely while kicking away some floorboards. "She's busy taking care of them."

"Fugo, what are we gonna do?" I leaned closer, speaking in a soft whisper. "We can't use our stands here."

"I know. I'm trying to think, I'm not sure what we're gonna do." He answered. Someone slightly shorter than me pushed us to the sides to walk through, putting a lot of distance between me and Fugo.

"Caryna, look!" Buttons said as she calmly walked over to her. My heart twisted itself. Had she already finished them off?

"Buttons, what the hell are you doing here?! Why aren't you killing those bastards?" Caryna yelled in her face.

"But look! They have a turtle!" She held up Coco Jumbo, happily showing it up. Caryna sighed into the palm of her hand, before snatching it out of Buttons' hands.

"Give me that!" She looked at it before throwing it away. Luckily, she threw it in Narancia's direction, who managed to catch it. "What did you do to the others?"

"Others?" Buttons questioned, and Caryna's face turned pale as she grabbed onto Buttons' shoulder.

"What did you do to the other three?!"

"Oh, they're upstairs." She replied.

"Not anymore." Giorno said as he walked past us as well. Fugo and I looked at each other, visibly unaware of what to do.

Giorno pulled out Golden Experience, and landed a punch right in Caryna's face. She probably didn't see it coming, as panic had washed over her. Buttons stood by the side, looking a bit uncomfortable about the situation.

"If you want to avenge Diavolo, you should go for me. I'm the one who killed him." He said with Golden Experience by his side. Caryna scoffed at him.

"You? It'll be easy to kill you." She brought out a stand of her own, as she approached him. Her stand looked a bit like a mummy. There were bandages covering the entire body, and she had deep, dark eyes. "This is my stand, Powerslave."

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