◇17. Dancing◇

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I'm planning my next tattoo and I want it to be jojo related. tho idk if I want it to be an araki doodle (like the pic above) or just a symbol to, yknow, symbolize a character or jojo in general. I'm planning to get the birthmark tattoo, but not rn :)

also, quick info, the story will probably get spicy at some point, but I'll mark out when and where so yall can skip if you'd like


Fugo walked next to me as we headed back towards the room, but he stopped before getting too close to the door.

"Look, Caryna was supposed to kill you all when Diavolo was still the boss... I'm not sure what she's up to now, but we can't trust that she won't try anything." He explained, looking down on the floor with his hands in his pockets.

"Do you think she'll kill us?" I asked, my voice a bit shaky from everything that had just happened.

"I don't think she'll kill me, considering I punched her headfirst into a wall and she didn't care too much."

"Oh, then that's good!" I said, smiling to him even though he wasn't looking.

"What scares me is what she might do to you." His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at me from the side.

"Why would she do something to me? Do you think it's because she has feelings for you?" He sighed, putting his hand on my waist as he held my tightly to his side.

"Just don't leave me. Promise me to stay with me." I stared at him, not wanting to take my eyes off of him. He looked sad, almost distant. I wish I could get a chance to tell him it was okay. I wish I could tell him how badly I wanted him to kiss me like that again.

But again, I didn't.

"I promise." We walked into the large room, only getting the same looks of disgust as usual. Fugo brought us over to a less crowded spot where we could keep an eye on the room. His hand rested on my waist, and it didn't seem like he was planning to let me go.

People were dancing, laughing and drinking a whole lot of alcohol. Every single person looked like they were having a lot of fun, especially since I couldn't see Caryna or Buttons anywhere.

"Hey, uhm, Fugo?" He looked down on me upon calling his name. God, I wanted to wipe off his sad face and make him happy again. "Uhm, what did you and Francesca talk about earlier?"

"Oh, right. She asked me what actually happened three years ago, and I explained my side of the story for her." He continued looking forward, scanning the room to locate the two women.

"Oh, I see. Did she believe you?"

"Yeah." The simple answers made me feel a bit uneasy. He did say he had feelings for me, but we hadn't gotten a chance to fully talk about it. I felt like I was walking on ice that was about to burst any second now. "Y/N, look." He pointed to two couples straight ahead of us. I realized right away that it was them, but they were dancing with two men.

"Crap, what do we do?" He pushed me forward, into the large crowd of people. Yet, his grasp around my waist only tightened. He wasn't planning to let go of me.

"We're going to dance."

"WHAT?! Fugo, please, I can't dance!" I explained as he positioned his hands. One of them was still placed the same on my waist, and the other grabbed my hand as he turned me towards him.

"Just follow my lead, okay? Everyone dances the same way." He began to dance with me, and he was right. It wasn't hard to figure out how to move my feet, and the closeness it gave us was comforting. Our faces were right in front of each other, and while we did focus on the suspects near us, I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. "Just so you know, there'll be a part where I'll spin you around and everyone switches partners. Try to get with one of them."

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