◇15. The Letter◇

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GUYS OMG it's finally time for THE plot. The plot I've had planned this whole time. Omg finally, you'll get to see what I've had planned!!


Fugo brought me back to the house. Once we were back, he and Mista helped me get patched up and placed in bed again. Just like earlier, that ended up being Fugo's bed. Mista decided to sneakily leave us alone as well.

"Fugo?" I asked as he sat on the floor next to the bed.


"I promise to give you back your bed in the morning." I told him, but he just laughed.

"Don't worry about that, I'll sleep on the floor if I have to." He smiled at me as he leaned on the edge of the bed to look at me.

"Where did you? When you left, I mean."

"Here and there. I met some people, fought them, then decided to come back."

"I missed you."

"...You did?" He seemed surprised, even though I thought it was obvious.

"I did... I mean, you're my friend, right?"

"R-Right... But how was the rest of the journey."

"I killed Risotto." I told him.

"WHAT?! You killed him? Are you okay?" He moved a strand of hair out of my face.

"I'm fine, Fugo. Don't worry about me." I proceeded to tell him about how we reached the death of the boss, and everything that happened afterwards. He probably already heard it from Mista, but I was fine with it either way. He listened closely to what I was saying, and didn't interrupt me a single time.

"I'm glad you're alive." Was the only thing he responded with. "I was afraid I wouldn't get to see you again."

"Likewise." Our faces were so close. If I moved just a little closer, I think I could feel his breath. God, I wanted to move closer. Just a little bit, to see what he'd do, so I did. Just a little bit, but I moved.

"Y/N." He moved back, leaning on the wall again. "I wonder what will happen now?" It doesn't seem like he noticed my attempt to move closer. "I mean, I was told I'd have to work with someone all the time."

"You could... Work with me?" I suggested.

"You? I'd love that."

"Really? You would?" I sat up slightly to look at him properly.

"Of course! Like you said, we're... friends."

"Yeah, friends..."

After that, the conversation ended. We didn't say anything else, and once I looked at him again, I noticed he had fallen asleep. Leaning on the wall as well. God, he must be exhausted. Truly, though, I felt the same way. I laid back down again and stared up at the ceiling. Fugo was officially back, and I was relieved. I'm not sure what I would have done if he wouldn't have survived. Either way, it felt slightly easier to fall asleep that night.


I woke up to chattering coming from the kitchen. Judging by the amount of it, I suppose the others noticed he was back. I sat up again, and noticed my wounds didn't hurt as much. I don't think they were as deep as I initially thought.

Walking down to the kitchen, the chattering increased for every step. Once I came down there, everyone looked at me while Narancia came skipping over.

"Y/N! Y/N! LOOK! FUGO'S BACK!" He said excitedly as he pointed to him. I giggled a bit at his enthusiasm.

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