◇18. Would You Kiss Me?◇

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Also I'm going through some shit where I'm overtaken by guilt, anger and sadness so I guess the amount of writing I'm doing is coping about that


"Are you crazy?!" I yelled as Fugo headed for the balcony.

"What? It's three against two. We don't stand a chance against them, especially since there might be more of them here."

"So we're gonna run? I mean, yeah, that way we could get help from the others but... THE BALCONY?!" He tugged on my arm as he sat himself down on the railing.

"It's probably the safest option as well. We'll dive into the ocean, get back to the car and drive to the hotel."

"We'll get soaked."

"Don't worry about that, now grab my hand." He reached his hand out to me, helping up on the railing. I looked down on the waves at the bottom, praying that there weren't any rocks or sharks.

"You know, Fugo, I totally think we can fight them. Then we can peacefully walk out the door, right?" I asked as I chuckled nervously. He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly to his body. Several footsteps were heard from a distance, and it was only a matter of time before they'd reach us. It definitely sounded like more than three people as well...

"I won't let go of you until we're in the water, okay? Then we both gotta swim to the shore and get back up to the parking lot." Instead of replying, I just grabbed onto his shirt tightly as he let go of the railing, pushing us deep into the sea.

The fall felt like it lasted forever, until the pressure of the water surrounded me. Fugo's arms released their grasp around me, since he had begun swimming up to the surface. I hurriedly began waving my arms to swim after him, but it was pretty hard with this dress.

When I finally got up from the water, I was gasping for air, and it felt like my lungs were about to explode. Fugo was on his way back to the shore, so I swam after him as fast as I could. Once I got close enough that I could walk, Fugo rushed to help me get up.

"Why the hell did it take you so long to get up here?! You had me worried sick." He said as he let go of my hand to throw away his soaked jacket.

"Try swimming with a dress, I dare you." I shivered as I spoke. Italy wasn't necessarily cold at night compared to the day, but the water made it feel a whole lot colder, especially since we were by the ocean.

"Right, but we need to hurry. If we get back to the car, we'll be safe for the most part." I twisted some water out of my dress while he started to walk up to the car, pretty much forcing me to walk in a wet dress.

We climbed up a pretty steep hill, before getting a clear view of the parking lot. I mentally thanked Fugo for not parking right in the middle.

"Run as fast as you can. Just get into the car and I'll start driving right away, got it?" He whispered to me and I gave him a nod as we quickly got into the car. The engine got started up the second I sat down, and I barely even got a chance to close the door before he drove off.


"Okay, the hotel isn't far away, we'll be able to rest there and plan what's next." He made sharp turns, driving faster than I'd like him to.

"Fugo, we're getting the car all wet." I complained as I tried to get the material of the dress to not stick on my skin.

"That's not important right now." He reached into the side of the door, pulling out some papers. "Giorno had some spare clothes packed for us in the trunk of the car, here's the papers about our hotel stay. He's made sure that we won't need to check in, and we'll be able to head to our rooms peacefully. Do you mind checking that it's correct?"

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