◇9. Blood◇

507 19 26

This one was... definitely something.


"Hey, Y/N. It's time to wake up." Fugo's words traveled through my brain, urging me to wake up. I felt a soft, warm hand reach to caress my cheek as my E/C eyes met with a pair of purple ones. "Good morning." He said.

"What time is it? Was I asleep for a long time?" I asked him as I sat up properly while rubbing my eyes.

"Not at all. It was only about an hour or so."

"AN HOUR?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER?" He chuckled at my expressions.

"I felt like you needed the sleep. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you and I are on duty to guard Trish. The others will be sitting outside on the boat for now." He explained calmly. I looked around to see that there was barely anyone here. Just the two of us and a smirking Trish.

"Boat? Where are we headed now?"

"Oh right, we're headed to San Giorgio Maggiore church. It'll be the place where we'll part ways with Trish." I shot her a glance as I noticed a saddened expression on her face.

"Right... We'll have to say goodbye to her." I looked down at my hands.

"Hey, she'll be fine! Right, Trish?" He asked her.

"Of course! I'll be meeting... my dad." She sighed before looking up again. "Hey, Y/N?"

"Yes?" My eyes met with hers.

"You weren't a fan of touching, right?" Her question confused me a bit. Her voice held curiosity but... there was also something else.

"Uhm, not really, why?"

"Ah, me neither. I was just think about... Why is that?" She asked, and I felt my body tense.

"I mean, I can tell you, but... It's not really something nice."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Still, something was hidden in her voice. Like she was planning something. Fugo looked equally as confused as she was.

"Well... As you know, I didn't know my parents. As far as I know, they put me up for adoption not long after I was born. It didn't take long for me to get adopted, but once I was, I..." I stopped for a second. It actually hurt me somewhere deep inside my heart to think back on how my parents didn't want me. And how they... Fugo put his fingers close to mine on the couch. Barely touching them, but just enough to assure me it was okay. "Well, my adoptive parents beat me up a lot. They would beat me for the smallest thing, making me feel like a failure for being born. Then, one day, I came home and my dad had been drinking. He said he was mad at my mom, and needed to get his urges out in some other way. So, he came onto me, and proceeded to do everything he wanted to my body."

"Y/N..." Fugo looked sad, almost at the brink of tears. I looked back to Trish, who looked shocked to hear my story. I don't think it's what she expected to hear.

"I don't want to be pitied, please. After my adoptive parents died, I roamed the streets until I met with Risotto and joined them." I explained to them. They both nodded, slightly unsure of what to say.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." I was just wondering since you seem fine with Fugo touching you." Trish said, giving an awkward look towards our fingers touching. We immediately withdrew them, and I felt a blush creep up on my face as she said it.

"Ah, well... Once I'm comfortable with people, I'm fine with it." I explained, not giving it much thought.

"Oh! I'm glad you feel comfortable with him." She smiled. "Because I was a bit worried when he held your hand the entire time you slept." I glanced back at Fugo, nearly choking on my own saliva. He was fiddling with his hands, refusing to look at me as a clear blush was appearing on his face.

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