◇14. Home Sweet Home◇

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Y'all I've had this specific chapter planned since before writing this book, meaning OVER A MONTH. do you know the pure RELIEF I feel now that I've finally written it?!?!

Also I'm depressed and writing about Fugo makes me happy


Fugo's POV:

I couldn't get Caryna out of my head. There was something about her that just wouldn't let me rest. It was unsettling, knowing that I'd probably have to see her again. I mean, what if she hurt someone I care about?

That's why I had to find them again. I had to get back to them before it was too late. I needed some money for travel, so I had to borrow some for now.

I was walking along one of the busier streets in Naples. I figured they'd be somewhere further up north, so money was needed. A lot of business-men passed by me, so it wouldn't be hard to get a hold of someone. I'd just pretend to walk into them, snatch it out of their pocket and apologize as I did so. It would be easy, I'd simply distract them.

I noticed a specific man walking straight towards me, and I got my aim ready. If I just pretended to look the other way, he wouldn't even notice. I looked to the left as I leaned to the right, 'accidentally' walking into the man. I stuck my hand down his pocket.

"Ah, my bad, I wasn't watching where I-" The man grabbed my arm, twisting us both around so we faced each other. His dark eyes weren't that magnificent, but they were impossible to miss. I'd never forget the determined look in his face. I'd always know it was him, no matter what stupid hat he wore.

"Yo, Fugo! Been a while, hasn't it?" He asked as he gave me one of his usual grins. I sighed in relief, even though I never thought I'd do so in his presence.

"My favorite gunslinger, Mista. How are you?" I asked out of consideration.

"Not bad, not bad... Hey, do you mind coming with me? I think we need to talk." He said as he gave me a wink.

"Sure, I was actually thinking about coming back. I understand if you don't want-"

"Shut up, you piece of molded cheese. Of course you'd want to come back to us, but we have some things to do first. Let's get going." Mista led the way, as we walked to a car on a nearby street. He urged me to get in, refusing to let me know where we were going. Things suddenly got a turn for the better.


We drove for about 20 minutes, to a large house on the countryside of Naples. Cars were lined up in front of it, and the garden was more beautiful than anything I had ever seen. The sun was setting as well, so the view was gorgeous.

Then again, I had seen it before. Just not in this good condition.

"Ah, home sweet home." Mista took a deep breath as he stepped out of the car.

"I've missed this place, quite a lot actually." I admitted, but Mista wasn't listening. He was already on his way inside, so I ran after him. When we got inside, we stopped for a second.

"So, Fugo... Some quick info."


"Almost everyone's out on missions at the moment, but they'll be back within a day or so."

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