◇20. Kissed By A Star◇

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If y'all predicted the plot twist that I've added to this chapter, I'll be sincerely impressed. I mean, other than the whole star-shaped birthmark you know. Like, I have left a few hints through out the story but I kinda hope most of you won't have seen it coming lol


I woke up to the sun blinding me. I glanced over at the clock, which read 2:19pm. It wasn't surprising that I'd slept so long, consider last night's... events.

I got out of bed, stretching my body a bit, until it hit me that Fugo wasn't there anymore. He probably got up earlier. My legs felt sore, and soft. I don't know what the hell he had done to me last night, but it got me feeling like a piece of jelly.

I noticed the TV was on, with a note laying next to it. I walked over to it, to check what it said.

'I put it on so you wouldn't wake up feeling lonely.'

I didn't think it was possible, but this small note alone made me blush. I tucked it in the pants I was about to change into, since I figured I couldn't walk down to the others in my pajamas. I decided on some simple clothes, and brushing my hair to make sure I looked decent before heading down to the others.

As I got to the stairs, I heard Fugo's voice in the kitchen. That's when it hit me. I hadn't seen him since last night. I mean, I did see him, but in very dim light. This was the first time I'd actually, fully, completely see him after everything that happened between us.

The past 24 hours had been chaotic, to say the least. We went from not knowing how the other felt to sleeping with each other in the same day. I mean, I wasn't necessarily complaining, but still... It was a lot to take in.

I headed straight into the kitchen, and caught everyone's attention right away. Mista had a huge, mischievous grin on his face. I didn't know what Fugo had said, but it seemed like I wasn't getting away that easy today.

"Soooo... How was last night?" Mista asked as I sat down next to him. In general, a lot had happened, so I actually wasn't sure how to respond.

"Well, it was... good?" I replied, and Mista leaned his head into the palm of his hand.

"Really, hm? What was the best part?" He asked. Now I knew for sure that Fugo had said something.

"I mean... We did get chased by some mafiosos, but I guess it was fun dancing?" I suggested and Mista sighed.

"Oh come on, you know I'm not talking about that."

"Mista." Fugo slammed his cup of coffee down on the counter, as he gave him a menacing look.

"Fine, fine..." Mista mumbled. I looked over to Fugo, meeting his eyes for a second. I immediately looked down on the table again, unaware of how to meet this situation. I suddenly felt so shy around him, thinking back on everything we had done. Mista seemed to have taken notice of this, as he gasped. "Oh my god, what did you guys do? You're both blushing!" I looked back at Fugo, and Mista was right. Fugo was blushing as well, slightly unable to look my way.

"It was nothing!" I yelled, and Mista chuckled.

"Your matching hickeys says otherwise." Mista smirked as he pointed to my neck. I covered them up with one hand, and my blushing face with the other. Trish sat at the other side of the table, giggling lightly.

"Don't worry, Y/N, I'll lend you some makeup later. Mista, be nice." She smiled, but something felt a bit off about her today.

"What? It's not my fault Fugo's room is right next to mine, or that the walls are thin." Fugo spat out his coffee and I nearly choked on my own saliva at Mista's statement.

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