◇7. Lessons In Flirting◇

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Shorter chapter as it doesn't feature any fights. BUT more Fugo content to make up for the last one!!


After Mista reunited with us and got healed by Giorno, we had to walk for a while until we reached an old gas station. We ended up sneaking into a truck, hiding in the turtle as we got a ride further up north of Italy.

"Yo, Y/N!" Mista called to me. I was feeling pretty bad after having used Red House, so I had slouched down on the couch between Giorno and Fugo.

"What is it now?" I sighed.

"Just, you said you didn't have a boyfriend, right?" He questioned, and I sighed even louder.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend. What about it? Are you gonna rub it in my face?"

"No! Not at all! I'm just saying, if that spot isn't already take-"

"Mista, shut the fuck up." Fugo interrupted him before I could say something. "That's not how you talk to girls."

"Oh really?" He scoffed. "What would you know about that? You haven't even slept in the same room as one." Fugo blushed, but somehow still remained moderately calm.

"I may not be that experienced, but I know how to treat a woman!" At this point, he stood up to walk closer to Mista. Everyone watched the scene unfold, waiting for Fugo to blow up like dynamite.

"And how exactly would that be?"

"Well for starters, your main goal shouldn't be to get in her pants. It should be to get to know her for who she is."

"What? But I've tried to-"

"Secondly, you should respect her boundaries. Even the ones that aren't about physical touch."

"...I do that, kinda."

"You also shouldn't look down on her for being a woman. Just because she's not a man, doesn't mean she's fragile and needs to be saved from everything. That goes without saying, you should still be gentle with her." I was in shock. I couldn't believe how Fugo spoke on the subject, and how proudly he stood up for women. I didn't take him for someone who'd be good at that type of advice, but I didn't really mind either. Actually, he's little speech nearly made my heart beat a little faster. I internally slapped myself for feeling that way.

"Well... Tch, Bucciarati! Help me out here!" Mista whined as he turned in his direction. Unfortunately for him, Bucciarati was actually covering a smile. "Wha- BUCCI!"

"Fugo is right. You should also leave Y/N alone for now." He said as he clearly contained a laugh.

"Yeah, go pine after Trish or something." I added.

"Hey! Don't send your dog over to me." She folded her arms, pretending to be annoyed.

"WHAT?! I'M NOT A DOG!" This man whined more than Narancia did.

And that says a lot.

I leaned back in my seat as Fugo sat down beside me again. I stared up at the ceiling of the key, looking at the driver of the truck when I noticed something weird.

"Heyyy, Mista?" He glanced up at me from his seat with a pout.

"What now? Are you gonna bully me again?"

"I'd love to, but I was just wondering something. Where did the Sex Pistols get that burger?" We all stood up to see better, as Mista noticed what was going on.

"Huh? HUH?! WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS?!" The disappearance of the burger caught the driver's attention, making him glance down at the turtle. He proceeded to pick it up, observing the key and almost noticing our presence. Mista, not thinking things through as usual, threw his fist in the air and landed a firm punch in the driver's face. He dropped the turtle, swerving into a railing at the side of the road. The sudden commotion caused the turtle to spin, which meant we all got shaken around.

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