◇3. Flirting, or...?◇

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It's taking me so long to write cuz I feel a bit meh atm, sorryyy


"So this is Capri, huh?" I asked as we walked up a hill. We were getting near the place where we'd be meeting Giorno and Mista. It was a building that looked like any other, but it had toilets in it, nothing more.

"Hey! Over here!" We noticed Mista and Giorno already waiting for us, but Mista was badly hurt.

"Hey! What happened to you guys?!" Narancia asked while Mista let out a groan.

"That son of a bitch Zucchero had someone waiting for us! I killed him but he got me shot. FOUR. TIMES." I glanced over at Fugo who chuckled at me, as if he was saying 'I told you so'.

"I'm glad you're okay now, but we need to get the treasure as quickly as possible before anyone else shows up." Bucciarati walked into the men's toilets. I looked around, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah, uh, I'll just stay right here..." They walked inside. I sighed as I leaned back on a stonewall nearby. The sun was shining down on me, making me sweat like crazy. I tried not to be bothered by the beads that gathered on my forehead, but eventually they ran down into my eyes. I sqeezed my eyes shut and tried to wipe them off. "Dammit... God's forsaken sun..."

"Oi! What do you think you're doing here?!" Narancia's loud voice made me open my eyes. Was he talking to me? No, he was talking to some cleaners. They mumbled something to him, but I didn't quite catch what it was until both of them pulled a knife at each other.

"Bucciarati!" I called, causing the others to come running out again.

"What's going on here?!" The cleaner and Narancia removed their knives at the same time, just as a man walked into the commotion.

"Bucciarati." He simply said, making most of the others realize who it was.

"P-Pericolo!" Almost instantly, everyone leaned forward as if to bow to the man. Only a second later, I realized who he was. One of the many Capo's of Passione. I nearly stumbled over my own feet as I tried to bow my head before it was too late.

"I see you've retrieved the treasure." Pericolo stated. "Thank you, I'll be taking it with me." He hesitated for a moment, as if he was building on the suspense. "Bucciarati, now that Polpo is dead..."

I nearly wanted to punch the guy. I don't have the patience for this, just spit it out already!

"You'll become the Capo, and take his place." Everyone jumped back in shock.

"I'll be the new Capo?" He questioned. They all proceeded to congratulate him, saying how he deserved it. I felt a bit out of place, as I didn't know him well enough to say the same. Though, Giorno seemed to be thinking the same thoughts as we looked at each other and shrugged.

"Yes, you'll be taking direct orders from the boss." Pericolo said, making Bucciarati choke on his own breath.

"This is..."

"And another thing." Can this dude give us two fucking second to breathe? He's really just throwing all the information at us now. "Your first mission as Capo will be to guard a woman."

"A woman? Who? Why should we guard her?" Mista questioned, but Bucciarati put up a hand as if to silence him.

"Her name is Trish Una, and she's known as the daughter of the Boss of Passione. Of course, the name Una belongs to her mother who sadly passed away recently. She'll be under your team's care for a week, maybe even less, and then she'll be taken to her father."

"Understood." Bucciarati bowed again. "Where is she now?"

"She's right here." Pericolo pointed towards the cleaner who fought with Narancia earlier.

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