◇10. Separated... for now◇

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We're finally getting to the part I've been looking forward to the most!

It feels like this chapter is super rushed, sorry!


The boat was speeding forwards. At least that's what it sounded like. My head hurt like a bitch, and I didn't have the energy to move. I feel like I was resting on someone, someone who was soft. I carefully opened my eyes. It was night, so I didn't get blinded by the sun at least. My head was in someone's lap. I looked down to see a pair of red pants with black stripes.

Ugh, him.

"Y/N, are you okay?" The gentle voice that usually belonged to Fugo, now belonged to Mista. He carefully put a hand on my arm, helping me sit up as my eyes adjusted a bit.

"What's... going on? What happened?" I looked around, taking in the scene completely. "Why... Why's Trish here, and she's hurt?! Where- Where's Fugo?! Wha-"

"Shh, take it easy." Mista wrapped his arms around me, stroking my back as he tried to get me to calm down. "Don't worry, we'll explain everything, okay?"

"Bu- But Fugo? Is he..." The worst thing imaginable struck my mind. Had he...

"He's alive." I breathed out a sigh of relief, relaxing my body as I leaned on Mista properly. "But... uhm, he won't be joining us anymore."

"WHAT?!" I looked at Mista, concerned about what was going on. Tears had begun streaming down my face against my will, and I couldn't get them to stop no matter how hard I tried. "Mista..." I sobbed. "I don't understand, what's going on?"

"Take a deep breath, I'll explain it to you." I did as he told me, and waited impatiently for him to continue. "It turns out that the boss wanted to kill Trish."

"What?! Trish- but she's his daughter?!"

"I know, but he didn't want anyone to be able to find him. So he had us deliver her to him." Mista's eyes looked heavy, tired and sad.

"So I betrayed him." Bucciarati continued. "I betrayed the boss, which caused us harm. I betrayed the organization as well."

"Betrayed?" I questioned.

"Yes. Once all of you had gone inside to find us, you went straight to Trish. The Boss managed to strike you in the back of the head, knocking you unconscious." I reached to the backside of my head, feeling the bloody bump through the layers of bandages.

"I see... I'm glad she's okay, but, uhm... Where is- Where is he?" I asked and everyone seemed a bit hesitant to answer. "You said he wasn't dead! So where the hell is he?!" I raised my voice at them.

"I gave everyone an ultimatum. Either join me on what could be a suicide mission, or part ways with me. Everyone but Fugo joined." He explained.

"What... He... He left?!" The tears kept trickling down my cheeks. "But, if that's the case then why am I here?!"

"We didn't know what to do, and Fugo begged for us to leave you. He didn't want you to be put in danger."

"THEN WHY THE HELL AM I HERE?!" I yelled at them now, my voice echoing through the night as the boat had slowed down.

"Because it's my responsibility to care for you, Y/N." Bucciarati said. "I made this decision, so if you wish to blame someone, blame me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Had he actually just taken me with him on this mission? And for what?! For Fugo to be all alone?!

"I..." I sat down again, leaning back on Mista. "I..."

"If you want us to leave you, we'll drop you off at-"

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