◇4. A stand called Purple Haze◇

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Updates are a bit slow as some stuff are going on at home atm. Quick reminder that I change some scenes to focus more on reader :)


After a lot of yelling and 'friendly' discussions, we settled on Fugo being our driver. Giorno sat in the passenger seat, reading the map as I was left to sit next to Moody Abbacchio in the backseat.

"So, how come you're not driving?" I asked him.

"Why should I?" His arms were crossed, and he didn't bother looking at me.

"Because you're the only one who's old enough to legally drive here? ...Or did I make a huge mistake in assuming everyone's ages?" He sighed dramatically, as if he hoped I hadn't asked.

"Fugo's 16, Narancia's 17, Bruno's 20, Mista's 18 and I'm 21. I don't drive because I don't feel like it. I don't know the other newbie's age and I do not care. Are we done?" I sat there, dumbfounded for a second before turning my head forwards again. I decided to drop the subject.

"Oh, Fugo, we were supposed to turn left over there." Giorno said. "Sorry, I didn't notice." Fugo slammed the breaks, causing all of us the get thrown forward. We were wearing seatbelts, but the air in my lungs still got sucked out of me.


"I'm good..." I muttered as he continued driving, making a U-turn. Luckily, he didn't seem to have noticed my words and focused on the driving instead.


Since it had taken Giorno some time to figure out the correct route, we ended up being a bit late. Not that there was a specific time for us to be there, but it took us longer than necessary. Especially since we were in the middle of walking to said destination.

Abbacchio and Giorno were walking next to each other, one visibly grumpier than the other. Fugo was walking next to me, and it seemed like he had something to say. At least, that's what I assumed by the way he was glancing over at me and opening his mouth, then closing it. He ended up repeating the same motion about five times before I spoke up.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" I maintained eye contact with him. Neither of us broke it until he had to look forward when he nearly tripped on a small rock.

"Well, I actually do have a question." He admitted. "You see, I assumed you didn't like people touching you. Since you flinched when both Giorno and Mista grabbed your hand, as well as when I helped you up yesterday..."

"Go on." I knew where he was going with it, but I'd still like to hear about his thought process.

"You still had no problem when you touched me with your elbow, or when I placed my hand on your shoulder earlier." He seemed a bit puzzled about it, but I didn't blame him. My feelings regarding the subject weren't the easiest to understand, even to myself.

"I'm not a fan of... Physical touch. I mean, I can be totally fine with it if it's someone I trust, but... Otherwise it makes me feel icky, I guess."


"I'm not sure how else to describe it, really. I just feel the urge to claw at my skin the second someone touches it." I glanced down at the ground, watching my every step to avoid looking at him.

"...And the other times?"

"Sometimes it's fine. I don't really get it myself, but some cases just don't bother me. Like when I nudged you with my elbow, it barely crossed my mind that I did it. When you touched my shoulder, I guess I was too caught up with thinking but how Formaggio had..." My words faded at the thought of my previous teammate's death. It left a mark at my heart, I couldn't help but feel sad.

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