◇13. Body◇

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I hope the way I'm skipping details in the OG plot isn't too messy. I know it should be more detailed, but it isn't the focus in this story. I really do hope that it's okay!


Y/N's POV:

The last thing I actually remember was hearing Trish scream.

We had been running towards the Colosseum since we were looking for Bucciarati. After realizing he was in there, we sprinted after him in an attempt to find out what was going on.

After a few seconds, everything slowly faded to black, and I collapsed in a pile on the ground. Once I woke up, I felt dizzy. Everything was spinning around and felt way out of perspective. What struck me as weirdest, was that I was looking at a reflection of myself.

Had I always been that short? Or had I shrunk? Why was there even a mirror out here to begin with? I stared at myself in disbelief. It felt like my movements didn't match at all. I raised my hand, but my reflection didn't.

"Who are you?" My reflection asked, and I nearly jumped back.

"WHAT?! Who am I? Who are you?" My own voice was far deeper than my usual one, and only then did I realize that it wasn't my body at all. It was Abbacchio's.

"Y/N? Is that you?" My body asked. "It's me, Abbacchio." I sai- Uhm, he said.

"Abbacchio? What's going on? How did you know it's me?"

"It's seems like everyone has switched bodies with each other. I could tell it's you since you talk funny."

"Talk funny? OH, YEAH? WANNA INSULT ME WHILE I'M IN YOUR BODY? Sure, go ahead. I'll punch you."

"Tch, and you wonder how I know it's you... Also, you seriously think it'd be clever to punch yourself?" He was right, maybe I shouldn't punch my own body. I heard the voices of the others behind me, who all sounded equally as confused.

"So... You're me, and I'm you?" Mista's body asked, while Trish's body answered.

"Yep, seems like it. You sure wear a whole lot of perfume..."

"And you stink, absolutely STINK!" It wasn't hard to figure out that they switched with each other, which left Giorno and Narancia, who were arguing with each other. Clearly, they switched too.

"What? You're telling me a stand did this?!" Giorno's body asked, who was way more energetic than usual.

"I suspect it, yes." Narancia's body replied.

"Hey, where's Bucciarati?" I asked and everyone began looking around. No one had seen any trace of him.

"No clue, I wonder if he r-" Trish's body had begun replying, but stopped as footsteps quickly approached. All of us watched, ready to encounter whatever might come or way.

Then, we saw the face. The face of the boss.

Fugo's POV:

I woke up on soft sheets, and a large bed. I decided to pickpocket some guy yesterday, and he turned out to be pretty wealthy. The money I borrowed got me this room, as well as some dinner yesterday. It felt nice to know that I got a good night's sleep for once, but something bothered me.

Sure, Caryna was a straight up bitch who worked for the organization, but there was more. Her mission was to kill off the traitors, and her acting all intimate with me must have been part of the act to get me with her... Yet, she almost seemed to be holding a grudge against us, against me. As if there was more to her hunger to kill. Clearly, every mafioso knows to be careful surrounding information, but I don't think that's it. I think there's more to the story, and it most likely doesn't have to do with the boss.

Then again, maybe I was imagining it, right? I scoffed at my own thought... Next time I see her, I'll kill her regardless.


Y/N's POV:

After establishing that Diavolo and Bucciarati switched bodies, Diavolo had two personalities so he was traveling freely through ours, and that Silver Chariot requiem had the arrow we needed to get, we finally got somewhere. Currently, we were following the stand whose user had been lost to Diavolo's greed.

Silver Chariot walked along the streets of Rome as the sun slowly started to rise on the horizon. I was starting to feel stressed, and my body was heavier than usual. Not only because it belonged to Abbacchio who was built like a slim but muscular, Greek God, but also because I was tired. I was so exhausted, I longed to be able to get home and sleep. I wasn't sure where I'd sleep or anything, but hopefully I'd get to stay with them. With my friends.

I had learned to love Mista's flirtatious personality and humor.

I had learned to love Narancia's childishness.

I had learned to love Abbacchio's creepy vibe, and Bucciarati being born as a natural leader.

I had learned to love Giorno's intellect, and Trish's courage.

And I had learned to love Fugo. He, who I missed more than anything.


Once we finally caught up with Requiem, it wasn't to our advance. Diavolo had figured out a way to attack it, and it put us at quite a tough spot. The arrow was sent flying across the street, and Diavolo desperately tried to chase after it. Since he wasn't in his own body, that wasn't very successful.

I figured we had some time to get it, but he started to jump between bodies to get further. Bucciarati took notice of it quickly, and attacked the same thing Diavolo had attacked, causing Requiem to be permanently defeated. It crumbled to the ground, as the lot of us switched bodies again.

Trish and Mista switched back, Giorno and Narancia, Abbacchio and I, and lastly... Diavolo and Bucciarati. Of course, Bucciarati was badly hurt back at the Colosseum, so he'd be out of the game momentarily. Though, his actions made sure that diavolo was further away from the arrow, so that Giorno had a chance to pick it up. He reached to the sky, gaining speed as his stand pushed it into its right hand. It traveled up the arm, shredding it to pieces. Giorno winced and yelled in pain, as if he was dying.

"GIORNO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at him, but he crouched down on the ground. Just a bit further ahead, Diavolo stood, slightly in disbelief before he started laughing.

"You... You fool! You'll die if you do that!" He rushed forward, but was abruptly stopped by a golden hand, which grasped his neck tightly. Giorno, who wasn't hurt at all, managed to regain his strength as he walked towards the man. Golden Experience seemed to be upgraded in some way, making it stronger.

"My name is Giorno Giovanna. This is Golden Experience Requiem, and you, Diavolo, shall never reach the truth." Giorno's stand used it's power, making Diavolo scream in pain and agony as his body tensed up. I looked over at Mista who couldn't take his eyes off the scene. I had no idea what was happening, but I was pretty sure we were winning, at least.

Especially since I watched Diavolo's body crumble on the ground, while he tried to crawl away. Of course, that didn't help. Each of us ran up to Giorno, making sure he was okay.

"Giorno! What the hell did you do?!" Mista asked. Meanwhile, I took notice of how long Giorno's hair was after his braid came loose.

"I'm fine, thank you Mista. Is everyone else okay?" We all gave each other a look, only noticing a few minor bruises and wounds.

"Yeah, everyone seems fine." I responded. "I'm so glad this is over... Because, this is over, right?" I asked and Giorno nodded.

"Yes, it's over." Giorno walked over to Abbacchio, standing face to face with the man who despised him. "I'm glad you're okay too, Abbacchio.

"Tch, whatever... I'm glad you're alive." He muttered before turning his back to us. I smiled at him, thinking about how lucky I was to be alive. Seeing Abbacchio's soft side brought an unknown amount of joy into my life.

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