◇6. Red House◇

539 15 14

Lack of Fugo in this one :(

EDIT: while re-reading, I noticed a part of the chapter is repeating itself. it confuses me and I'm not sure how to fix it properly. sorry about that.


I turned to face the others, who all rested on the couch. Their hair and skin matched with Narancia's, who had begun to fall down on the floor.

"Bucciarati! This is Prosciutto's power, The Greatful Dead." I announced, earning a look from him. "It causes you to age drastically."

"What?" He brought a hand up to his skin, feeling the smooth skin change. "Well, what do you suggest we do?" His voice had a hint of panic in it, even if he tried to hide it.

"Ice slows the process. It's probably why some of us aren't affected. If your body is hot, you age faster." I explained. Mista ran over to the freezer, scanning the box thoroughly.

"There's not much ice left!" He showed us, and gave some to Trish who began helping Narancia. Judging from his looks, he was on the brink of death by now. He also handed me some, before taking some for himself. "Y/N! Take this and keep an eye on the others. I'm heading out there to see who we're dealing with."

"Mista! What are you talking about?!" Bucciarati asked. "Wouldn't it be better if Y/N went out there?"

"Bucci, she said so herself. Her stand is unstable. Besides, we can't throw Fugo's new best friend into fire, can we?" I scoffed at Mista. I wondered if he knew the irony in his choice of words.

Fire, the very thing my stand was the best at. Well, not controlling it, but using it at least.

"Fine." Bucciarati sighed, putting two fingers at the bridge of his nose. "I guess you're right." With those words, Mista headed out of the room along with his Sex Pistols.

I grabbed the ice he gave me, which he had so carefully put in a glass. Abbacchio seemed to be affected the most, possibly because he was the oldest. I went over to him, holding some of the ice to his chin, stroking it down his jaw. I didn't want to hurt him, so I kept on moving the ice over his skin. Once I noticed the effect of the ice, I wandered over to Giorno as well. He wasn't as affected, so it was easy to just press some ice against various spots on his face. I figured that would do for now, as I went over to Fugo. I was just about to put the ice to his cheek as well, when I suddenly stopped. Why did it feel so weird? I helped the other two, why would it matter if I pressed the ice to his skin too?

"Y/N? Is something wrong?" Trish asked from behind me.

"Huh? Ah! No, not at all, err- I just, uh... it's all good." I gave her a thumbs up, which she raised an eyebrow at. Either way, she ignored me and continued keeping an eye on Narancia.

I pressed the ice to his skin, moving it around on him as well. Fugo's skin seemes to soften, getting smoother as I kept adding ice. Some of the water that had melted from the ice ran along his jaw, down his shirt. It caused me to look down, but I immediately looked back up again. It's not like... It's not like I wanted to look...

"By the way, Y/N, why aren't you and Trish affected?" Bucciarati questioned.

"Oh, since they most likely want her alive, there's a chance he avoided using his ability on women within certain height and weight measurements." I explained.

"I see. Y/N, you do realize what might happen today, right? We might have to kill him."

"I know... Actually, go ahead." He stared at me as if I'd gone insane. Since I had such saddened reactions to the previous two deaths, I assume it was only natural for him to be confused. "He is, uh... My ex-boyfriend." I explained.

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