Chapter Eight

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THE NEXT MORNING AT THE JACKSON SQUARE Sabrina is sitting on a bench, with her blue canvas backpack laying beside her on the bench.

THE NEXT MORNING AT THE JACKSON SQUARE Sabrina is sitting on a bench, with her blue canvas backpack laying beside her on the bench

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{Sabrina's Outfit}

Sabrina looks at a painter as he paints on his canvas. Her phone buzzes in her blue canvas backpack pocket. She pulls out her phone and looks at it.

After getting a text message from Klaus, Sabrina puts her phone back in her blue canvas backpack pocket and gets up, walking away

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After getting a text message from Klaus, Sabrina puts her phone back in her blue canvas backpack pocket and gets up, walking away.



Sabrina smiles a little upon walking up the stairs and onto the rooftop patio. She and Klaus exchange small smiles at each other.

"I haven't been up here in five years." Sabrina said, gently setting down her blue canvas backpack on the round patio table and slowly walks up here. "What are you doing up here?"

"This rooftop patio is where you learned how to waltz from me." Klaus said. "And to say, I cherished our tenderness moment in between the both of us."

"Yeah. I did too." Sabrina said. "You said The Hollow is still out there."

"You should be with Elijah and the guys." Sabrina said to her husband, Klaus, and slowly walks away from him.

"Where are you off to?" Klaus asked.

"To catch up with best friends." Sabrina said.

But Klaus gently takes Sabrina's hand, gently twirls her around and gently pulls her back to him.

Klaus and Sabrina exchange smiles at each other and they playfully dance whilst playfully exchanging smiles and chuckles.

And the rooftop sprinklers turns on, making Klaus and Sabrina playfully chuckles and smiles at each other even more.

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