Chapter Twelve

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THE NEXT MORNING AT THE MIKAELSON COMPOUND Klaus is sitting on the sofa, fiddling with his phone.

Klaus glances up at his wife, Sabrina, as she slowly walks inside the study.

Klaus glances up at his wife, Sabrina, as she slowly walks inside the study

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"Finn's here in the French Quarter, isn't he?" Klaus asked.

"I saw him last night while I was snacking on a beignet." Sabrina said to him, slowly walking by the sofa.

"What did he want?" Klaus asked.

"Nothing much, really. He said that he and I have someone in common." Sabrina tells him, folding her arms.

"Me." Klaus said, getting up to his feet. "What else did Finn say to you?"

"He said that he knows me, I think we've met each other before." Sabrina said.

Klaus becomes squints his eyes, upon pondering about his brother's, Finn's, whereabouts.

"I know what you're pondering." Sabrina said, having noticed the suspicious to him.

"You don't know what I'm pondering." Klaus said.

"Sure I do." Sabrina said, slowly walks up to him, unfolding her arms. "You're worried that Finn may get to me to hurt you, am I right?"

"And yes, I know that Finn's my brother, but he and I don't quite get along with each other." Klaus said.

Sabrina gently cups his face with her hands. "I just wish you would stop worrying so much about me."

"You're my wife, I'm always gonna worry so much about you." Klaus said with a small smile.

"I know." Sabrina said, gently removing her hands from his face.

"Don't you two look absolutely darling." Finn said, slowly walks inside the study. "Hello, Niklaus. It's nice to see you again."

Klaus and Finn exchange annoyed looks at each other.

"I'll see you guys laters." Sabrina said, gently taking her blue canvas backpack and walks away.

Klaus and Finn exchange another annoyed looks at each other.


"What? No "Welcome Home" party for me, brother? I would've thought you would be happy to see me after a thousand years." Finn said.

Klaus vamp-speeds over to Finn, pinning him against the wall in a chokehold. "I don't know what you're up to, but I will figure it out. And if you ever think of trying to use Sabrina against me, you spend your immortal life looking over your shoulder, pondering whether I'm following you or not."

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