Chapter Six

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THE NEXT MORNING AT THE MIKAELSON COMPOUND Sabrina is in the study, sitting on the sofa, reading Vincent's old journal about The Hollow.

THE NEXT MORNING AT THE MIKAELSON COMPOUND Sabrina is in the study, sitting on the sofa, reading Vincent's old journal about The Hollow

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{Sabrina's Outfit}

With her hair in a low ponytail, Sabrina writes down a few notes on her notepad with a pencil.

"Hi, Sabrina." Klaus said, slowly walking inside the study.

"How are you?" Sabrina asked, worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. What do you say to a little road trip?" Klaus asked.

"Road trip to where?" Sabrina asked Klaus, a bit confused.

"If I tell you, it would ruin the surprise." Klaus said.

"Okay, I think I have a bit of your surprises, Klaus." Sabrina said.

"Trust me, I have skeletons there." Klaus said.



Klaus and Sabrina are in his SUV car. And Sabrina looks around, sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Klaus? Where are we?" Sabrina asked him, even more confused.

Klaus glances at her with a sly smirk. "Mystic Falls."

"Mystic Falls? Why are we here?" Sabrina asked her husband.

"Like I told you, when we met, there are skeletons in my closet. And Mystic Falls is one of them." Klaus said.

"Klaus, I already know who you are, you've told me everything about you." Sabrina said to him.

"But still." Klaus said. "I have no shortage of enemies in my thousand year old immortal life. And so, they will try to poison you against me. I know that I've already told you about my dark skeletons, but Mystic Falls was my temporary home."

Klaus and Sabrina exchange glances and small smiles at each other.



That afternoon, Klaus and Sabrina slowly walks inside, looking around at the empty bar.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Klaus asked.

"You've gotta be kidding me?" Gloria said, slowly approaching them. "Klaus Mikaelson."


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